These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

I have dealt with plenty of SEO consulting and full-service SEO clients in my 13 year career that want to hand their site’s SEO off to my company and forget about it entirely—unfortunately a great SEO campaign is going to need input from the website owner, not just the expertise of the SEO provider Read More
What is your “magic number” of success? How many orders shipped, new clients signed or dollars earned would it take you make you jump for joy in your office? Success, even when applied to our businesses, is a very personal definition. For instance, having a sufficient (and steady) workload to justi Read More
So, here we are almost two months into the New Year. This is about the time that most New Year’s resolutions tend to fade away, if they haven’t already. Due to the demands of everyday life, many people find it very difficult to keep up with the promises that they made to themselves back on January Read More
I am a huge fan of using WordPress for a business blog; both this blog and the Search Engine Optimization Journal are WordPress blogs. WordPress is incredibly user-friendly, which means it’s very easy to customize your settings and make small changes whenever you need to. If you are using WordPress Read More
The Internet is a competitive place for businesses within any industry. People turn to the Internet, and more specifically to the search engines, every day to find information about products or services. If you want to stand out, you need to establish your business as a thought leader in your indus Read More
It’s taken a long time (nearly seven years!) but my business has grown to the point where I don’t have to accept every single SEO client that comes my way in order to survive. My SEO company is secure enough that I can afford to be a little discerning when choosing which potential clients I want to Read More
Not every business is going to sell the same things that another business already sells. In fact, there are plenty of businesses out there starting up every day that sell a completely new product or offer a brand new service. Maybe it’s similar to another product or service, or based off of another Read More
Sometimes when a client is about to get started with an SEO campaign, they wonder if they need to also redesign their website. It’s not necessary to redesign a website when implementing an SEO campaign, but in some cases it can’t hurt. SEO works to build visibility in the search engines and online Read More
Today, when people are looking for more information about just about anything, they turn to the search engines. That means that it’s essential for businesses to develop an SEO campaign in order to improve their search engine presence. However, that doesn’t mean that SEO is now the be all end all of Read More
Nick Stamoulis ( ) explains why site owners should consider hire a professional writer, social media firm or SEO company to manage their content marketing if they don't have the in-house capability to handle it. Content is such a critical component of social media and Read More

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