These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Every website or business owner has a different idea of what their business blog should look like. When first starting out, they can go in with high expectations. They think that a business blog needs to meet specific standards and that posts should be a minimum of 1,000 words, thoroughly researche Read More
While the same white hat SEO guidelines should apply to all websites regardless of size, larger websites (think 1,000+ pages) face a unique set of challenges that smaller website may not have to deal with. Smaller websites are often able to make decisions quickly and act on them ever quicker becaus Read More
Like blog commenting, forum commenting can be a great way to build inbound links to your website for SEO purposes. However, when it comes to forum commenting you can’t go into it thinking that it’s all about building links. Forum commenting is also about building relationships with other forum memb Read More
Search engine optimization is unlike other forms of marketing in that it needs to be viewed as a long term process and commitment. Results aren’t going to magically appear overnight. Some SEO clients claim to understand that in the beginning, but as the months go on and there has been only small im Read More
Knowing when and how often you should develop an outbound link from your blog to another site is a tricky thing. No website is an island (that’s why it’s called the World Wide Web), but obviously you don’t want to lose your hard-earned traffic to another site, especially a competitor. The Internet Read More
Creating valuable content is absolutely essential for B2B success online. B2B consumers spend time researching before making an investment in a product or service and the majority of this research is done online. In order for consumers to make informed decisions, it’s necessary to provide them with Read More
A small B2B marketing team, say 3 people, has just as many responsibilities, deadlines and objectives to meet as a team of 15. With a limited staff, each member of these small teams is responsible for multiple inbound marketing elements, including the business blog. In order to minimize the amount Read More
When businesses decide that they are going to get into the social media game they automatically think of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. While those sites are each valuable for different reasons, it’s important not to forget about social bookmarking. Social bookmarking sites like Digg, Re Read More
Website analytics can be a marketer’s best friend or worst enemy depending how much you let them dictate your day-to-day life. If you find yourself panicking over small changes, spending hours a day combing through page after page of data and making drastic SEO changes to your site based on a few d Read More
Not every website is created equal. Just because it exists, that doesn’t mean that you necessarily want to get an inbound link from every website and blog that you come across. Whether it be through a blog comment or guest blog post, you don’t have to take every link you can get. Even industry rela Read More

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