These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Every time a client asks me about how they can improve their PageRank, I have to cringe a little. Time and time again I have explained that PageRank is only one of 200 ranking signals that Google uses to determine where a site falls in the SERP. While PageRank used to be the Grand Poobah measuremen Read More
Perhaps one of the most famous fables is “The Tortoise and the Hare”. If for some reason you aren’t familiar with it, here is a quick synopsis. The hare (basically a rabbit) challenges the tortoise (basically a turtle) to a race. The hare is quick and the tortoise is slow. The hare gets over-confid Read More
Keyword research is one of the most important steps in building a successful SEO campaign. The keywords you choose will ultimately determine what searches your site will rank for and who find and visits your site. When you think about all the keywords and related search phrases you could potentiall Read More
Potential customers and clients visit a B2B website for more information. Unlike a B2C focused website, a B2B product or service has business implications and it’s important to choose the product or service that is just right for the business. It’s very rarely a snap decision and the sales cycle is Read More
Since the B2B business cycle can much longer than the average B2C business cycle, you can’t truly measure the success of your SEO until your business cycle has come to a full close. That’s why it is so important for B2B companies to start their SEO off on the right foot! If you missed the mark with Read More
How long ago did you last sit down and go through your website with a fine toothed SEO comb and optimize each page? If you’ve been actively engaged in a link building campaign for the last few years, it’s probably been a while, right? On site optimization, in my opinion, should be the first phase i Read More
We all know the importance of inbound marketing techniques and creating content that will educate target audience members. Blog posts, guest blog posts, articles, and video marketing can help build a brand and establish an individual or company as a thought leader in a particular industry. Given th Read More
In early November, Google announced a ranking algorithm update, incorporating a “freshness algorithm, designed to give you the most up-to-date results…” Google goes on to explain the varying degrees of freshness that might influence both the searcher’s intent and the search results: Read More
When you actually sit down and map it all out, optimizing a website (even a small one) takes a lot of work! Once you’re done with the actual on-site SEO, there is still link building to contend with, and I would argue that link building never really ends if you want to succeed in the long run. For Read More
There is a right way and a wrong way to use social media for business. Unfortunately too many companies think that “doing social media” means creating profiles on the big networks, and posting a few links whenever they feel like it. That is the wrong way. If you want to use social media correctly t Read More

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