These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Nick Stamoulis ( ) explains how, when a site owner is conducting keyword research, it’s important to target the most relevant keywords per page, including long tail keyword phrases. While these long tail keywords may have less search volume, they are being used by a mo Read More
You don’t have to be an SEO expert to understand the basics of SEO. In my opinion, just about every website owner, marketing professional and web developer could stand to take a few SEO training courses that teach “SEO 101.” Knowing basic SEO means you can take your website’s SEO into you own hands Read More
If you are a website owner or business it’s absolutely essential to be involved in both SEO and social media. It’s not a one or the other kind of deal. If you are involved in both but operate the strategies separately- stop doing that, right now. SEO and social media are certainly different strateg Read More
Every site owner should run a link audit on their site at least once a year. When conducting a full link audit, it’s important to visit each and every link in your link portfolio no matter how many links there may be! For some site owners, this may mean you have thousands of links to check out. Ins Read More
Any online marketing professional that knows what they are talking about will tout the benefits of business blogging. It’s a great way to establish your business as a thought leader in a particular industry, drive traffic to your website, and improve link building efforts for SEO. While it’s obviou Read More
Let’s assume you are entering your second or third year of SEO. You have a well-optimized site, a company blog that posts two new posts a week, a decent social media presence and a solid link portfolio. You might think that you can ride the success of your previous SEO efforts for a few months, or Read More
SEO and PPC serve different purposes. While they both help to improve a brand presence on a search engine results page, the nature of each strategy is very different. In PPC, you bid on keywords and pay a specific amount to the search engine every time the ad is clicked on. Once you start a PPC cam Read More
A common problem I see with many new website owners when they are beginning their keyword research is that they bite off more than they can chew. They are so eager to rank well for their chosen keywords that they forget that there are some things in SEO you just can’t force and website age is one o Read More
The purpose of a business blog is to engage website visitors and provide them with useful information that they will find beneficial. It’s the content of the blog posts that matters the most. It’s amazing the number of businesses that litter their blogs with too much “stuff”. A business blog should Read More
There are many different parts that make up a B2B SEO campaign. In order for the campaign to be successful, they all need to be implemented properly and be working together. Forgetting a step here or there can result in a campaign that misses the mark. Even the smallest mistake can hinder long term Read More

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