These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

If you’re going to invest in operating a business blog, you might as well do it right. After all, blogging is hard work. If you’re going to put time, effort, and other resources into the blog you want to make sure that people are actually visiting the blog. Since there are plenty of other blogs out Read More
I came across this great article on Search Engine Land a few weeks ago that explains why search rankings and SEO ranking reports no longer matter—something I have thought for a very long time. It’s nice to hear other SEO professionals agree that search rankings are too inconsistent and inconclusive Read More
Link building is an important part of an SEO campaign because inbound links pointing to a site establish trust with the search engines. The search engines view a website more favorably if it has quality inbound links pointing to it from relevant sources. A website that has these kinds of links will Read More
Search engine optimization is typically a strategy that is implemented once a business has its brand in place. SEO is used to get search engine users to notice the brand. Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with that strategy and SEO can help improve the search engine performance of the brand website. Read More
When implementing your social media marketing campaigns, one of the first things you have to do (before you even think about building your profiles) is decide who or what is going to be your social persona. Are you going to build your social brand around an actual person (say the VP of Marketing) o Read More
One of the first steps of an SEO campaign is to conduct keyword research. Best practice is to manually go through every page of the website, pick out important words and phrases on each page, and plug them into a keyword research tool. The keyword research tool will then generate a listing of relat Read More
Nick Stamoulis ( ) walks new site owners through the process of optimizing a page of content on their website. After you have selected your top keywords, the key is to naturally incorporate them into the content. If you are having a hard time working them into your exi Read More
The first stage in onsite optimization for any website is to conduct keyword research. But before you dive headfirst into keyword research and start cherry picking the search phrases with the most search volume, it’s important to use your site’s analytics to uncover what keywords searchers are alr Read More
Press releases are typically developed by the public relations team to get the word out about anything newsworthy, however if crafted the right way, a press release can also provide SEO benefits as well. In order to build links pointing back to a website that will improve search engine trust over t Read More
By now most businesses understand the importance of social media as a part of a marketing strategy. However, they still aren’t sure how to figure out if a social media strategy is working for them. Here are 4 factors to consider when analyzing the success of a social media campaign: Read More

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