These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It takes a lot of effort to operate a business blog. It’s certainly not easy, which is why many businesses end up failing at their blogging attempt. One of the most common complaints is that the time spent doesn’t seem to show any return. “Why should I commit to blogging if nobody is reading my pos Read More
This is actually a question I get asked quite frequently from prospects, full service SEO clients, people that attend my SEO workshops and oftentimes in random emails and social media messages. I actually got an email just a few weeks ago from a newsletter subscriber wanting to know if I thought he Read More
Traffic and conversions are two different things. Website traffic is great but ultimately you want to operate a website that generates traffic that turns into conversions, meaning that website visitors take some kind of action. You want your visitor to buy something or fill out a lead form before t Read More
While I make no guarantees of results (nor should any white hat SEO company), I am confident in the potential success of the campaigns I create for my clients. When I work with a new SEO client, one of the things we talk about when creating their SEO campaign is how we are going to measure the succ Read More
I had a client whose site went offline for a few days through no fault of their own. They called me one afternoon in a panic, wanting to know if our developer had taken down their site for some reason. I assured them that my in-house developer would never pull a site down for any reason—your websit Read More
There are many tactics that can be used in a search engine optimization campaign to attract the attention of search engine spiders and get a website ranked prominently for specific keywords. Some of these tactics are considered to be white hat, which means that they are tactics that “play by the ru Read More
In order to create a successful SEO strategy, it’s important that website owners keep their SEO partner “in the know,” especially if they are redesigning/rebuilding their websites. Failing to keep your SEO provider informed could result in some pretty unfortunate scenarios, such as a failure to use Read More
Whether you are entirely new to the SEO game or have been working at it on your own for awhile, there comes a time when it would be in your best interest to hand it over to the professionals. Before signing on the dotted line any smart business professional will spend some time researching and spea Read More
The days of Mad Men marketing are long over. Whether you are ready to admit it or not, very few consumers want to listen to your marketing messages when you are ready to sell. These days, active consumers have taken the buying process into their hands, using search engines, peer review sites, blogs Read More
Social media is different for every business and there is no one size fits all strategy. A B2C social media strategy will look much different than a B2B social media strategy and results of the campaign will be different as well. It’s also impossible to measure social media success the same way for Read More

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