These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Blogging for business and blogging for fun are two different things. This is an important concept that needs to be understood before developing an inbound marketing strategy that will include blogging. While a blog is a less formal way to market than say, a white paper, a business blogger needs to Read More
Nick Stamoulis ( 781-999-1222 warns business and site owners about black hat SEO practitioners looking to take advantage of unsuspecting clients. Don’t get conned by “SEO guarantees” or cheap services. When it comes to SEO, you get what you paid for! Stay tuned for mo Read More
Early reports indicate that of the 20 million Google+ users, somewhere between 70-85% are male and 60% identify themselves as software engineers or web developers. As Mashable so eloquently pointed out in recent article, that data “…paints a fairly stereotypical picture of Google+’s userbase: nerdy Read More
I’ve seen plenty of experts and clients fret over their SEO. Sometimes it feels like our entire industry lives by the will of the search engines and their algorithms. A new update comes down the pipeline and website owners are scrambling to make sure their site will pass muster. But it doesn’t have Read More
One of the most important things to consider before launching any kind of online marketing campaign is who the voice of the campaign should be, meaning who the message should be coming from. Some companies just assume that the message should come from the company name. While this may work for a pro Read More
The debt-ceiling talks have dominated the news in recent weeks. Since neither the Republicans nor the Democrats seem willing to give on any of their “musts,” the debt-ceiling talks drag on. But what does this have to do with SEO? More than you might think! One of most important SEO lessons to take Read More
There is no denying that social media marketing has become an intrinsic part of anyone online marketing campaign. In fact, social media marketing is making its way into offline marketing efforts as well. Radio ads tell listeners to Like companies on Facebook, TV commercials close with a Twitter has Read More
Google+ has been around for just about a month now so we thought we’d take a look at who the early adopters are. According to an article at Search Engine Watch, the majority of users are male (for now): “Who is using Google+? Early figures estimated that males made up about 75 percent of Google+ us Read More
I find the term “viral marketing” to be contradictory. Marketing involves research and planning, learning about and understanding your target audience, carefully crafting a message, finding the right place and time to connect with your customers, convincing them to act and then doing it again. It’s Read More
Just about every business can benefit for incorporating a content marketing plan into their overall marketing strategy, but that is especially true for B2B companies. Good content is going to help position your company as an expert in your industry, help build you online brand presence, encourage c Read More

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