These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

SEM (search engine marketing) is the combination of both paid (PPC campaigns) and unpaid (SEO) online marketing activities. Research has shown that about 80% of clicks come from the organic results, which the search engines rank based on SEO factors. The other 20% of clicks comes from PPC ads along Read More
Online, your personal brand reputation may be your most valuable asset. The search engines are the first places people turn to when looking for information. Someone might be checking up on the weather in their area, someone might be looking for the cheapest airfare to Cancun and someone might be lo Read More
If we’ve learned anything from the success of YouTube it’s that people love to watch videos about just about anything. No matter what the content of the video is, it somehow seems more interesting or entertaining to watch a video about something rather than read about it. Marketers have realized th Read More
Social media marketing has completely changed the way businesses and consumers interact online. Social media marketing has matured out of the “well, let’s see what this does” phase and has earned a place in everyone’s integrated marketing campaign. Even the “Old Guard” of marketing has realized the Read More
A few months ago, I was toying around with the idea of developing an SEO FAQ and incorporating it into my company site. Over the years, I’ve found that potential clients tend to ask the same set of questions about SEO and my approach to SEO during our preliminary meetings. I thought that an SEO FAQ Read More
A company website is the foundation of an online marketing strategy. Every link building tactic sends users to the website to find more information and hopefully, to convert. The goal of a website is to get visitors to take some sort of action, whether that is to purchase something, fill out a lead Read More
Not only do local search profiles provide valuable, quality inbound links to your site, they can also rank individually in the search engines, increasing your brand presence. Local search profiles are also incredibly important for mobile search. When conducting a search on their smartphone, must co Read More
One of the biggest frustrations of content marketers is coming up with quality topic ideas on a consistent basis. A robust content strategy includes inbound marketing tactics like article marketing, blogging, social media networking, whitepaper and EBook distribution, and webinars. After awhile it Read More
Not all keywords were created equal. Broad keywords (software, lawyer, insurance) usually have an incredibly high search volume. “Insurance,” for instance has over 30 million searches each month in the US alone! Because there is so much traffic associated with broad keywords, they are wildly compet Read More
Link building can be broken down into two separate projects; off-site link building, which focuses on developing a variety of quality links from numerous sources, and on-site link building, which helps develop a flatter site structure and more user-friendly experience. Both are equally important in Read More

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