B2CMKTG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I just finished reading The Art of Choosing by Dr. Sheena Iyengar, a professor at Columbia University. In the book she says that humans have two routes for processing information, the automatic system and the reflective system.

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Social gaming is a lot like Marmite. Half of people see them as a waste of time, whilst the other half could happily fill their days playing Word Challenge, Texas Hold-em and Mob Wars. With over 50% of social network users estimated to play them, social gaming is big business, and generating millio Read More
Groupon can make or break your business. It’s a hot topic, for good reason. While we don’t often hear about the many Groupons that go smoothly, there have been a few notable exceptions that have been getting lots of press recently, most notably the story of Posie’s Cafe in Portland which nearly wen Read More
It will be increasingly difficult to grab attention from anyone on the Internet or in person. You may spend hours writing a great blog article, creating a high-value video or designing your marketing slicks only to find that people just aren’t interested in consuming them. Why? Because we’re being Read More
Your community, one of the most talked about and important parts of being successful in social media that helps not only to grow your business with customers but also through interaction with those who share similar interests. The value of your community is determined on how you build it through fo Read More
With more than 500 million active users and the recent surge overtaking Google in time spent on site, you would think that Facebook is the king of content sharing. However; a recently research from Chadwick Martin Bailey found that email still tops Facebook for content sharing.

According to eMar Read More

Email newsletters go mobile, social

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Direct Marketing
From http://www.stickycommunication.ca 4980 days ago
Made Hot by: Jonellmmack on December 8, 2010 10:51 am
As Jakob Nielsen concluded: “When it comes to customer relationships, newsletters must be seen as a long-term investment: they work their magic over time.” Read More
Most business owners, experts and professionals understand the importance of providing non-promotional, educational content during the beginning of the relationship with a customer.

In essence, content marketing is information marketing, and information marketing is the new currency on the Inter Read More
As we’re approaching the end of the 2010 there are numerous developments with businesses using social media. I had predicted that brands will need to figure out how social fits into their overall brand strategy by identifying where the leverage is with social media and how to manage it.

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It seems like only yesterday when I was blogging about the top 15 recommended social media books of 2009, but here we are ending out 2010. And what a year 2010 has been: The rise of Facebook to become a dominating (and sometimes threatening) force globally, Twitter becoming a mainstream realtime c Read More

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