B2CMKTG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One Year after Managing my Blog as a Business

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From http://www.famousbloggers.net 4968 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on December 20, 2010 5:59 pm
One year passed since I started blogging and running FamousBloggers.net as a business blog, trying to share with you my thoughts about blogging for income and building a popular blog.

Looking forward to 2011 Read More

How to Influence People through Marketing

Avatar Posted by jbhphx under Marketing
From http://www.youngentrepreneur.com 4970 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on December 22, 2010 9:27 am
When you are perfecting your marketing strategy, you need to know how your customers think and what it takes to influence them.  Human beings are stubborn creatures who are reluctant to change their perceptions.  When you market to them, you need to know what it takes to change their minds. Read More
According to a new study, “Fortune 50 Use of Mobile: If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It” 62% of the Fortune 50 have mobile websites, mobile apps, mobile payments, and QR Codes – but they’re not flaunting them.

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A few members of the Blue Fountain Media team asked me to put together a few tips for landing page optimization, so I figured why not go all the way and make an extensive list of tips all in one place.

What I am considering as a landing page here is a page that resides outside of your website, a Read More
I know, I know. . . This is considered blasphemous to many of you die hard Google Analytics fans out there. This post will certainly get me more enemies than fans, but that’s ok because it’s true – Google Analytics is not a good tool for inbound marketing. Many of you who find this post offensive Read More
There are many “best of” blog posts that have been written about WordPress plugins, so I wanted to cover a different angle with this post. I see WordPress and blogging like this: If your company has a social media strategy, chances are you have a corporate blog. Our friends at Hubspot released t Read More
How to brand your blog or business site, by utilizing you're very likeness above the fold, learn blog branding techniques from the experts. Read More
As marketing and PR are changing rapidly with the constant evolution and expansion of the digital ecosystem, success requires integrated efforts that combine the smartest tactics in traditional PR combined with online marketing and SEO practices. The Internet has changed how we receive information, Read More
About a week ago Vocus announced the results of its annual PR planning survey, titled Social Media Comes of Age. Today, we’ve sliced that data exclusively for B2C Insider to look strictly at the data from respondents with a B2C focus.

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Companies That Understand Great Customer Service

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Customer Service
From http://freefrombroke.com 4973 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on December 14, 2010 7:37 pm
In today’s economy you would think that companies would be doing everything they can to not only get new customers, but keep the ones they already have. Unfortunately that’s not the case. Some companies are clueless or simply don’t care.

But there are other companies out there that do totally G Read More

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