B2CMKTG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Most people use Facebook for personal reasons: to maintain contacts, stay in touch with friends who live far away or to stay on top of one’s social life. Only 15 percent of us use it to maintain professional or work contacts, according to a 2010 survey by ExactTarget. Some people turn to profession Read More
“To tweet or not to tweet? Facebook or not to Facebook? Hire intern or hire agency? Train sales team or keep them in the dark? Share what I had for lunch…. okay, never mind… we’ll start social media next year, not now.”

To do social media or not do social media seems to be the question for many Read More
LinkedIn is the business professionals platform is not always the first choice when we think about growing a business. Growing a business in social media we immediately think of Twitter and Facebook as they have the power of engagement. People interact more on Twitter and Facebook as we can send a Read More
If you’re doing any kind of Internet marketing you know the importance of fact gathering especially if you’re just starting out investing time, money and resource in social media. We’re now well into the “early majority” phase of social media, it’s time to take a look at some interesting data to ge Read More
Today I was interviewed by a journalist from a large national media publication for an upcoming story on social media. During the interview one of the questions he asked me was if I thought that it eventually becomes one big blur as more and more brands hop onto social media.

As I answered his Read More
Facebook announced plans to let advertisers use consumer check-ins or “likes” by retransmitting them to their friend’s pages as a “Sponsored Story” paid for by the advertiser. From a marketer’s perspective this is an interesting program that if done effectively should help advertisers reach new au Read More

Seven keys to successful blogging

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://jerodkillick.com 4930 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZvoter on January 27, 2011 5:08 pm
The blogger has become a ubiquitous part of the media world. Learning how to blog successfully takes time, lots of effort, and being patient with trial and error. However, I keep coming back to the format as it is exciting to be be a part of the news media revolution. Outlined is seven keys to su Read More
One of the amazing things about Twitter, when compared to a LinkedIn or a Facebook, is that it’s core functionality is so simple yet complemented with complexity by hundreds if not thousands of useful 3rd party apps because of its open architecture and growing ecosystem. Where you don’t really nee Read More
Businesses are expected to increase spending on social media marketing by more than 40% percent in 2011, according to marketing research firms Altimeter and Alinean.

Still, in today’s “age of austerity,” every significant investment requires proof of bottom-line impact and superior value – a con Read More
This does seem to be one of the raging questions in the social media world. Leaving aside, for the moment, of post quality – what is the optimum number of daily posts for a Facebook business page?

Before you answer – keep in mind that once most of your fans have liked you they rarely come back t Read More

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