Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Your first blog post can be a bit of a daunting experience. The most important thing to do is start blogging. Your ability and style will develop with practice. Read More

Let's Kiss

Let's Kiss - Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Strategy
From 4969 days ago
Blog design can be as complicated as you desire. But simplicity will help with delivering a strong message when you blog by keeping out unnecessary distraction. Keeping it simple will help you in the longer term, not only in your blogging but in any aspect of your business. Read More
Project managers need to do more than simply organise the work items. Project management requires discipline to ensure that those work items are implemented as effectively as possible. This involves much more than just making sure the project plan is being followed. Read More
Blogging is a great marketing tool. Blogging takes time and patience though before you will start to see results in terms of link building and readership. Don't be disheartened - both will come in time for you and your business.Here are things I've learned in the last year or so - hopefully you'll Read More
Effective project management predicates that each project is analysed to understand what worked well and not so well. Business managers also need to understand project delivery as it fundamentally affects their operation. Business managers and owners need to make sure that they have the correct mea Read More
Virtual offices are a great way to expand your business capability. But there are options other than managed service providers and these should be considered by any new business before deciding on the best approach for them. Read More
Well there were over 500 posts, which resulted in thousands of comments and ten of thousands of shares across the social media channels. Here are the 10 most popular: Read More
A legendary luxury train making its way across Europe.


A lesson in bringing literary creativity to business blogs. And making them fun to write and more fun to read! Read More
In today's climate, positioning and pricing are becoming more and more difficult to define. As a general rule of thumb, high prices are set for higher positioned products or services and low prices are set... Read More

Instant Social Media Karma

Instant Social Media Karma  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4975 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on November 17, 2010 8:52 am
Remember when you were a kid and your mother would say, ‘Be nice - it’s good to be good?’ Bet you didn’t know that your mother understood Social Media karma, did you? Read More

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