Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When you create a blog, you are giving your readers an image of yourself or your business. The way that a blog is laid out along with the blog content will create that image whether you wanted it too or not! When using a blog as a means to generate possible business, it is vital that this image of Read More
Blogging without promotion is like shouting in a soundproof room. Your blog needs to be shown to the world. Here are some simple ways of doing just that. Can you suggest some others? Read More
Retaining readers on your blog once they find it is of vital importance. Without readers, your blog will not serve any purpose. Blogs can lose readers by not providing relevant content or by making the site so busy that they main message is lost. The big players all keep their sites easy to read - Read More
Blogging is an effective way of generating interest in your business. Blogging is a means to an end and if your blog is not generating revenue directly or indirectly for your business, then you need to make sure you are not losing yourself in it too much at the expense of other sales and marketing Read More
The internet has given rise to an information overload; within a few clicks the average surfer can have a world of information right at their fingertips. This endless pool of information... Read More
When delivering products or services to customers, it is not enough for business to simply do the basics. With the level of choice in the market, it is vital - especially for smaller businesses, to go that little bit further to ensure customer satisfaction and on-going business success. A lesson fr Read More
Ever wonder which toys teach entrepreneurial and Business skills?

I'll give you a clue: they're old-fashioned, need no batteries and have influenced millions.

Find out what Donald Trump, Richard Branson and the cream of the CEO crop played with as toddlers!

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Investing in business takes many different forms. Time, finance, education, expansion to name just a few. To be successful at business usually requires a combination of all of the above and more. Read More
Starting a blog is a serious undertaking if you are going to use it as an active part of your marketing. A blog takes time to develop and blogging will not produce immediate results in terms of customer acquisition. But it will over time. The guys who are the top of the blogging game are seeing ben Read More
Blogging is dying out according to some. Twitter and Facebook are replacing the traditional blog. Blog writing requires too much thought. And where are these premonitions coming from? Why blog posts of course! Read More

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