Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many people have a fear or reluctance to begin blogging. A blog is out there for all to see and it is easy to have that fear. But when you blog, in reality the worst that could happen is that you may not please a reader with your commentary or writing style. Don't worry, others will come along who Read More
Dr. Stephen Covey coined the phrase in his best-seller The Seven Principles of Highly Effective People. According to Covey, an abundance mentality is “a paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody.” Read More
When you design your blog, it is so important to consider how the blog will appear to the reader. Is the content easy to read? Have you considered the type of font that you will use and its appropriateness for your reader? The font and how the colours of your blog are defined will impact how your r Read More
In this article, I write about the fact that some people refer to some of their past experiences as "failures" and "setbacks", while others, get strength, empowerment by focusing on the silver linings of all experiences and those key learnings. Read More
Having a strong marketing message for your startup is the most important thing you can do. Without a marketing message, your business launch will flop or be delayed as you work out what went wrong. Have it done up front and the pay back will be swift. Read More

New Business Acronym: Client

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 5029 days ago
Made Hot by: EncouragingExcellence on December 20, 2010 12:33 pm
Clients, customers call them what you will, without them no business is successful. We want to keep the current ones we have and we also want to attract new ones to help us grow our businesses. For some businesses... Read More
Blogging and blog writing to attract readers and search engines to your site means that you must not lose track of why you are writing your blog. The blog should be directly or relevant to the business product or service you are trying to promote. If you veer too far off topic, you will not get the Read More
Blog commenting is a powerful way of generating links to your website. A powerful marketing tool, blog commentary helps you build your business profile, provided of course that the comment is constructive an not spammy. This helps with search engine rankings of course, but it also allows people to Read More
Blog commentary is a powerful way to become part of a community on line. Blog authors appreciate comments and readers appreciate additions to the conversation that was started by the blogger. But engage with a view to add to the conversation rather than just as a link building exercise. It will be Read More

Business Networking And Culture Clash

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 5034 days ago
Made Hot by: hishaman on December 10, 2010 4:31 am
Did you see this article about how the Irish need to do less chit-chat and more networking? It got me wondering if this is this a clash of business cultures? Read More

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