Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Openness when a business makes a mistake can be challenging. This is especially true in the digital world when you are admitting a problem online for all to see. But isn't openness a more desirable policy for creating strong customer rapport? Read More
Brian Clark from Copyblogger, a blogging Goliath, came to visit yesterday and took the time out to comment and provide some guidance. Brian is a busy man but took a few minutes to share his knowledge and views on the topic in question. This has simply re-enforced my view that blogging is the social Read More

How Do I Know When To Redesign My Website?

How Do I Know When To Redesign My Website?  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4897 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on January 28, 2011 9:00 pm
If you are a business owner/manager/marketer and you are curious about whether you need to redesign your website, the REAL answer should be provided by feedback you receive from others. What does that mean? Here's a quick exercise... Read More
Having a strong title to your blog post is instrumental in helping attract readers who will stay and engage. It doesn't get much stronger than "Facebook shutting down" (or rumours of same) but most of us are not writing about such widely known things. The challenge is still the same though and we m Read More
Time tracking can be a pain, but there are many benefits if done right. Often it can be used as a tool to target employees but it should be used as a tool to better understand the "working day" of the business in order to help determine better ways of running the operation. Read More
This post's acronym is SALES which to some people is the lifeblood of any business. To me there are many parts that are essential to run a successful business and sales is certainly one of the main arteries... Read More
Is your New Years Resolution not to leave your accounts until last minute this year? Some tips to make your life easier facing your accounting through the year. Read More
By now I think most of us are familiar with the latest You Tube sensation that is “Ted Williams. Here are 4 ways he created his own luck. Read More
You have no given right to succeed in business. 5 facts about the business world that every new business person should know! Can you add to these? Read More
When I was in a 9-5 job in 1993, I distinctly remember arriving into work on Monday mornings and being subjected to complaints, grumbles, disdain, and other such negative gossip... Read More

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