Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Internal projects are just as important as those that are being driven for clients. An internal project is delivering efficiencies on items like work practices or cost savings that help your business be more effective. But often internal projects are given less focus and attention which means that Read More
No need to hide like Ferris Bueller!

Refreshing the pyschological batteries: It's a concept I learned long ago, and no doctor's note needed!

This blog post has been approved by Sigmund Freud! Read More
Blog writing is unique to the individual. There are some proven techniques to help you create more engaging blog posts. Here are 12 blogging tips that I've learnt along the way that I hope you find useful too! Take them or leave them as you will :) Read More
This article looks at how to get your blog noticed amongst the 126 million or more that are currently on the net. It's a useful resource for anyone thinking of starting their own blog. Read More
Blogging is simply a form of marketing your business on-line. It gives your website active content and can deliver great results. Blogging done badly is simple a waste of time and effort and your business should focus on marketing techniques that you know work if blogging is not going to be given t Read More
We've all come across the smarmy sales person who leaves us with the strong desire to take a shower after only shaking our hand and we can usually spot them from a distance too. Read More
I want more customers. On any day and in many studies with small businesses this statement appears very often. The problem with it is that it is very loose as a marketing objective. If you look at this objective in another way what you are saying is you want more dollars coming in. Tips to help.. Read More
A promise to a customer needs to be delivered. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are predicated on the delivery of that promise. If your business does not delivery on it, your customers will eventually get fed up and leave. This is a personal tale, with a lesson for us all. Read More
To engage properly on social media takes time and effort. Blogging, to me, is one of the most important. However Twitter, Facebook and the other social media outlets all possess value for any business. Time is a factor though and it is more important to engage properly on one than badly on many. Read More
Which blogs do the experts read? The New York Enterprise Report asks Anita Campbell, founder of, Gary Vaynerchuk, wine and social media guru and author of The Thank You Economy Read More

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