Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You should bear your business strategy in mind when setting prices. Knee jerk pricing, used simply to boost sales or cash flow by lowering prices in a slack period, can have disastrous consequences... Read More
From May 25th 2011, a EU wide privacy directive will come into effect. If implemented in Ireland this law would then make the use of third party cookies on a website without the prior consent of the user, illegal Read More
Vince Lombardi was well known as a great motivator, who excelled in getting the most out of his teams. In this post we will look at how he fostered a culture of teamwork. Read More

Love The Competition In Five Easy Steps

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Online Marketing
From 4937 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on April 3, 2011 12:00 am
I've come across many different reactions to competition: some sulk, some cry, some scream, some punch the wall (seen that happen twice), some calmly sit down, some make tea, and some Read More
Local Search is an emerging trend in online marketing. Local Searchers have a higher conversion rate and deliver a better return on investment... Read More
SEO is not a mystery item for your blog or website. While new venturers into the world of blogging may be under the impression that SEO is a black art, this is simply not the case. Good SEO comes from everything from your website coding through to your content. Advice on it comes from people who co Read More
The latest developments in technology have shrunk the world and now created a global market place where a company in Cork no longer competes with local businesses only but also has to compete with businesses from Bangalore... Read More
Ahhh...Billions of dollars!

What to spend such profits on.

Meet my first inductee into the "Business Hall-of-Greed!" Read More
When you have a blog or website, it is important to keep it fresh and relevant to your audience. Revisiting the impact through analytics of usage is a great way to ensure you understand how your blog is working for you. If you see something that isn't - change it and remeasure. This will help safeg Read More

Competition Versus Collaboration

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Strategy
From 4939 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on March 23, 2011 5:06 pm
The word competition conjures up an unforgiving testing concept where there can be only one winner and everyone else involved is a loser... Read More

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