Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The volume of blogs in the blogosphere is huge. You are writing to encourage readers to come to your blog over others so blog content needs to be compelling. The icicles on my gutter reminded me of this today. They all looked the same until I looked more closely and saw the uniqueness in each. What Read More

The Mindset Of An Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Self-Development
From 5049 days ago
Made Hot by: hecman104 on December 6, 2010 7:11 am
Becoming self employed after being in employment is not an easy task, by any standards, but if I had to say ONLY one thing… if you have a dream, the energy, the FIRE, to create something and make money from it... Read More
A quick video blog sharing the thoughts of Tom Peters and Seth Godin giving us the reason of why we should blog and the approach that we should be taking. Well worth a look if you havn't seen it before. Read More

Please, Give Me The Truth And Treat Me Like A Human Being

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 5050 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on December 2, 2010 12:19 pm
There's a big difference between pleasing and performing. I wonder if customer service is anything to do with customers and service, or just sales & keeping a clean image. Read More
Blogs often use other peoples photographs or ideas to help create great content. Accreditation allows a blog author to thank the person for the content that they have used to help create their blog post.Its simple, effective and polite. Read More
Photographs and other media can enliven a blog. Yet there are many successful bloggers who don't use media in their blogs. They can create their imagery with the power of their writing. So the decision to use media in your blog is a personal choice and should be used to reflect the author rather th Read More

What Is Open Source?

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Technology
From 5052 days ago
Made Hot by: yoni67 on December 3, 2010 2:09 pm
'Openness' is a topic that is increasingly being talked about. From reading and listening to the discussion, it is clear there is no consistent definition of what Open is. However... Read More
Project management calls for considered risk assessment and mitigation. When planning a project, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to understand how to either avoid them altogether or to allow for a plan to make sure the risk is addressed with minimal disruption to the project. Read More
New bloggers are often challenged with understanding the difference between selling in their blog vs using their blog to generate sales. Blogs are written to provide information and this draws readers (potential clients) to your site. They read the content and get the information they were looking Read More

Another Opportunity I Missed On Facebook

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From 5055 days ago
Made Hot by: frankbradley on December 2, 2010 5:49 pm
Facebook is growing at a pronominal rate and now with over 1.7 million Irish Facebookers it’s become a busy place. There has been a massive increase on the number of business pages on Facebook. I very often click the Like button spontaneously and never return to that page... Read More

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