Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How To Deliver a Powerful Follow Up Message

How To Deliver a Powerful Follow Up Message  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4983 days ago
Made Hot by: yoni67 on November 9, 2010 9:21 am
The majority of people in business are aware of this thing called follow up. Many don't really practice it (huge missed opportunity) but those that do, simple send that simple email with a message in the lines of great to meet you yesterday... Read More
More and more Social Media sites have moderators.

As I have just become a moderator of one (not BizSugar!), I have decided to take a look at what makes an effective Social Media moderator. How is fairness ensured and how can bias, favoritism and partiality be checked at the front door? Read More

The Acronym: MENTOR

The Acronym: MENTOR  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 4987 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on November 10, 2010 9:15 am
Last time I covered the acronym BUSINESS. The post received a few good comments so this time I'll cover: Mentor. All businesses need mentors. Whether their owners are prepared to admit it or not is a different matter.... Read More
New business owners can worry about every small thing before opening their doors and this can prevent a business ever launching. Provided a strong foundation is in place, the doors should be opened. Problems can be fixed, but it is better to be doing this in operation - otherwise how do you know wh Read More
This is a question that we get asked over and over. I have laid out the various pros and cons in mind-map format and hope you can see it clearly... Read More

Ireland By The Numbers

Ireland By The Numbers  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Global
From 4988 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on November 5, 2010 12:06 am
At a time like this we can all do our bit to tell the world about this great little country and this video has the right message so go SHARE IT! Read More

Avoiding Bad Practices. Part two: Ethics

Avoiding Bad Practices. Part two: Ethics  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4989 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on November 3, 2010 7:34 pm
Ethics are beliefs and perceptions of correct behaviour. Our ethics, values and morals assist us in determining what is right and wrong. How can acknowledging ethics improve my business and gain results? Read More
5 More great lessons in transforming a Business blog from ordinary to extraordinary!

It's a trip back to 1960's Detroit, Michigan for today's post as we join 5 Motown legends and the insights which they provide! Read More

The Four Seasons of Project Management

The Four Seasons of Project Management - Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Management
From 4989 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on November 4, 2010 1:42 am
Projects can sometimes lose focus and seem to go on without purpose. Project managers are responsible for making sure that this does not happen. As the project progresses, change and challenge should be embraced and managed. Read More

Business Measurement

Business Measurement  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 4990 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on November 8, 2010 3:19 am
Measurement of a business is key to driving improvement. A company dashboard or a simple spreadsheet can help a business track how it's doing. Measurement is not optional but a must for any business to engage in. Read More

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