Pixel_pro voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Corporate sponsorships are essential to raise company awareness and to enhance your digital marketing efforts. Here we take a look at three companies leading the way in the digital marketing industry and how they do it. Read More
Are you rolling out a new marketing plan or looking to give your current one a face-lift? Columnist Steve Olenski outlines 10 steps to help you connect with customers and foster leads. Read More
With the holiday season fast approaching, there’s no better time than now to optimize your online store for a higher conversion rate. Last year, U.S. consumers spent $53.3 billion in online holiday sales, up from $46.55 billion in 2013. Analysts predict this year’s holiday season will have even hig Read More
E-commerce is a multi-billion dollar industry that continues to grow larger with each passing year. Of course, there are several key advantages to selling products online as opposed to locally, such as reduced overhead, greater reach, and more marketing options. If you are thinking about launching Read More
Are you looking for free or low-cost marketing tools that will dramatically change how you market online?

This week at MarTech Europe, Matt Lerner, Distro partner for 500 Startups in London, shared 10 of the best marketing tools that his organization’s growth hackers use for marketing.

500 St Read More
Have you noticed one or more links displayed underneath a website listing in Google’s search results?

Known as “sitelinks,” they are commonly found in popular, high-traffic listings. But what exactly is the purpose of these links? And how do you change the Google sitelinks that appear for your w Read More
Digital spending now dominates marketing budgets, according to a report by Econsultancy in partnership with Oracle. Seventy-seven percent of companies are spending more on digital marketing in 2015, an increase of 8 percent from the previous year. Most of this increased spending is going toward con Read More

5 Reasons Why Your Competitors are Outranking You

5 Reasons Why Your Competitors are Outranking You - https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Marketing
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 3171 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on October 24, 2015 12:53 am
The topic of website rankings is probably the single most written about subject for online marketers. With so much content readily available online discussing tips on how to rank your site better, I still find 9 out 10 small businesses are left wondering why their competitors are outranking them in Read More
If you’re new to the ecommerce industry, I’ll let you in on a “little” secret. There’s an 800 pound gorilla in the room that is nearly impossible to take down.

Its name is Amazon, and it’s the largest online retailer in the western hemisphere.

It’s safe to say that all online shoppers are fa Read More
It is the dream of any video marketer to have content that goes viral. One contagious video clip can change the course of a company’s trajectory. But how does this happen? The following tips offer ways for marketers to resonate more with their audiences and lead to more engagement: Read More

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