SEORabbit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The catering business has long been a popular and thriving industry, but what types of catering businesses are available? Read More
Do you find yourself pressing to work long hours just to produce more? You could be shooting yourself in the foot by doing this. Highly productive people do not necessarily work longer hours - they just work better hours. Here are 7 tips how you can do the same. Read More
It distresses me, but too often I encounter people with entitlement attitudes. They express this in various ways, I work really hard, why don't I get the promotion? I put in a lot of effort on this proposal, why didn't I get the deal? I've worked for this company for years, why are they treating me Read More

Work from Home? Why You Should Consider Child Care

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Finance
From 4756 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on September 22, 2011 6:48 pm
There is no sense in dismissing the idea of child care just because you work from home. Take a look at your situation; you might be surprised at the benefits of getting child care for a few hours a week. Read More
Not everyone thrives in a work from home environment. In order to make it work (especially if you are starting your own business), there are 5 traits that are useful to have. Read More
There is something so fundamental about women, so essential. That is why entrepreneurship is a calling so clearly feminine, and yet so masculine, which explains why there are so many more companies founded by women, and yet so very few of them grow beyond a million in revenue... Read More

How to Build Your Brand Identity

Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Public Relations
From 4757 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on September 21, 2011 3:16 pm
While creative business owners may not be packing arenas, they are definitely looking to develop a strong brand identity. Here are a few tips for identifying and developing brand identity. Read More
Netiquette can be described as the convention or standard for communicating online. This will include communication on the Internet (blogging, chat forums etc.) email, or work collaboration. It could also be very applicable for off line networking. Read More
The number one web-based activity is email, even with the expansion of broadband and new apps such as podcasting net. Read More
Have you ever said this in a nice way to potential customers? Perhaps you sighed a little as you thought of the extra revenue that might have been. Here are a couple of tips to help keep the potential customers interested. Read More

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