SEORabbit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you ever wondered if someone else is using your business name online? I found a free site that tells you if your name is being used on over 550 social networks and over 40 domains. Read More
Can you imagine commanding a large army of workers whose sole purpose is to promote your blog? Now picture everyone in that army working for less than $1/hour. Read More

Being Aware And Safeguarding Against Direct Attacks

Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Technology
From 4758 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on September 20, 2011 3:02 pm
One of the major issues facing companies’ technology infrastructure is safeguarding their data against direct attacks. Read More
Livefyre has become a popular WordPress plugin used by some bloggers to augment the default commenting system of  their self-hosted WordPress blogs. In fact, some popular bloggers caused quite a stir when they installed Livefyre including Danny Brown, DragonBlogger and Read More
If you are a woman business owner, it is important to know that you are considered one of the underserved, and thus the Small Business Administration has created small business loans specifically for you! Read More
In this post, I want to talk with you about what it takes to make money from home: decent equipment, proper planning, the support of family and friends, and even the right type of personality. To be successful as a location independent professional (LIP,) each of these four items is vital. Read More
When you start your own business you have to be confident and at some point between believing in your idea and putting in the hours to make it work, you have to make some decisions about who your message comes from. Will it be “me” or “we”?

You know that you’re the only one making all the wheels Read More
Testimonials let you show off the good side of your business I mean, let’s be realistic here. I’ve never seen an iffy testimonial published and I expect you haven’t either but even so, testimonials show some proof that you’ve solved real problems for real customers. And that’s what makes you more c Read More
Copywriting 101 says: Pitch your marketing message at the right level, matching the education and vocabulary of your audience.

Now unless your target market has specific language needs (like being under 5, or super clever university boffins) your marketing copywriting should be aimed at a high s Read More
We make it the customer's job to figure out our value proposition. Sure this was an extreme case. Yes, most of us do articulate our value proposition--at least the generic one that marketing gives us. But we leave it for the customer to sort out what it really means for them. Read More

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