SellBetter voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Check out these 10 tips for guaranteed sales success. Each tip includes a BONUS article! Read More

The Fallacy of Remote Learning in Sales - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5610 days ago
Made Hot by: bmtrnavsky on May 20, 2009 1:13 pm
There is cutting costs, and there is cutting your nose off. Many are pushing and many are buying that you can deliver effective sales training remotely without direct interaction. The reality is that while you can show someone something remotely it is very different than impacting and delivering sustained behaviour change. Read More
This is Day 2 of the 28 Days to Better Selling with Shane Gibson. Today's focus is on developing a set of criteria and aggregating your referral sources and centers of influence to help you maximize and prioritize your referral generating opportunities. Today's assignment is: 1) Brainstorm all possible criteria for CIO and referral sources Read More
A conversation with my 3-year old causes me to reflect on my ability to get people to listen to me. I've discovered the need to earn listenable status. Read More
Marc offers great advice for entrepreneurs and selling professionals who want to spend more time nurturing their relationships and less time at work. Marc is teaching business people how to enrich their personal lives by rethinking their financial lives and attain a proper work-life balance. Ono is Hawaiian for delicious, and in his book Marc wil Read More
The following is the rough transcript of a recent call I had with a Sales Director of a large Irish Company. Mr X: Hi Niall, This is _________ __________, I am the Sales Director with ___________ ___________ What I'm looking for a two day sales training course to brush up on our selling skills. What would that cost? Me: Hi __________, thanks Read More

No Passion, No Success—Know Passion, Know Success

Avatar Posted by jkennedy under Sales
From 5611 days ago
Made Hot by: spinhead on May 20, 2009 12:16 am
Are you passionate about the products and services you sell? If not, you might want to reconsider your options. After all, without passion you're going to have trouble creating lasting success. Read More
Today is Day 1 of the 28 days to Better Selling. Over the next 28 days you will work on 28 small shifts that will add up to a significant improvement in the way you sell. Today's topic is on “The ABC's of Targeting.” Watch the video ( or direct download) here, and complete the 5 steps outlined below: 1. Make a list of all possible criteri Read More

Why Not Me?! - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5611 days ago
Made Hot by: salesevangelist on May 20, 2009 12:27 am
Selling is about doing, when all the planning and talking is done, it is about executing. The key difference is you, your outlook and your will to win. That's it! Read More

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