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Biz Blogging, Lessons of 100+ Posts

Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Online Marketing
From 5612 days ago
Made Hot by: firstborder on May 20, 2009 12:22 am
I recently passed the 100 post mark on this blog. To say that I have learnt a lot in between would be an understatement. To say that I have lots more to learn, would require an even bigger understatement. Read More

No News Is Good News

Avatar Posted by jkennedy under Sales
From 5612 days ago
Made Hot by: ferdinandtan on May 20, 2009 12:22 am
Bad news got you down? Jerry Kennedy discusses a sure-fire method for battling the "Bad News Blues". Be warned, though: the answer might surprise you! Read More
Well, here it is. Top Sales Blog is now a year old. I wanted to share the success I've had over the past year, let you know where this blog is going in the future, and take some time to thank all of you - my readers. Read More
Do you confuse product training with sales training? Read More
In case you haven't been tuning in recently, the whole question of sales ineffectiveness was brilliantly raised by Dave Stein. It's not just a great question for sales professionals; it's frankly the ONLY question. Dave rightly asks “The root causes of sales ineffectiveness are clear. There is plenty of sound advice about how to fix the problem Read More
Wondering how you're ever going to accomplish all the goals you've set for yourself? Maybe it's time to stop worrying about "How?" and to start asking a better question: "Why?" When it comes to motivating yourself to achieve your goals, there is no better ally that your unconscious mind. This article describes how the "Why?" question Read More
Choose your words wisely. They carry a big impact. I've always coached people to refrain from saying things that plant negative seeds. You know those nasty statements that you can never take back. I'll share two examples. Read More
Should nonprofits think of themselves as "sellers?" Read More
Far too many salespeople turn to their boss or company for their personal motivation to be successful in sales. This is a huge mistake, as salespeople need to be responsible for their own motivation if they want to become successful. Read More

3 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Secrets

Avatar Posted by WillFultz under Marketing
From 5615 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on May 15, 2009 9:20 pm
Last week I posted Guerrilla Social Media Marketing secrets 1,2 and 3. There are 19 Guerrilla Marketing secrets and after chatting with Jay Levinson he gave me the go ahead to share a few more. So here's secrets 4,5 and 6 based upon my interpretation of Jay's 19 secrets. Read More

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