ShoshFromJobShuk voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Great minds congregate at BizSugar, the premiere business Social Media site!

Contributors and staff alike have so many stories to tell and so much wisdom and advice to impart!

Could a BizSugar book ever be a possibility Read More
A great story I found on

Verizon Wireless and the Verizon Foundation, in conjunction with the New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV), today announced the launch of the Verizon Domestic Violence Entrepreneurship Grant Program, which will provide grants to domestic violence survivors to help them successfully develop small businesses Read More

How to Avoid Making Marketing Mistakes

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5210 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on June 16, 2010 5:44 pm
Have you ever made a mistake when marketing your products or services? Most of us have and if you have not made a mistake yet, you probably will at some stage. The key point about the mistakes made in marketing is what you learn from them, understand where you went wrong, what were the reasons and not repeat the errors. Here are a few ways to avoid making marketing mistakes Read More

Advice From A Social Media Groupie

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From 5211 days ago
Made Hot by: ILForums on June 16, 2010 6:26 am
Whether it's here at BizSugar or on any other social media community, commitment is key and passionate users will always get more out of the experience. Just ask our own BizSugar "groupie" Heidi Kalman whose great posts inspired this one Read More
In a bid to improve customer service in its Cadillac showrooms, General Motors is turning for help from one of the world’s top outfits for making patrons happy — Ritz-Carlton. Smart move. Ritz-Carlton is known for exceptional customer service that inspires loyalty. That we all could be coached by them. Read More
Business-blogging is the best way to market a business! But what about "burnout?" What about writer's-block?

It's time to put the FUN back in it! Here are some biz-blogging and marketing lessons from "The Dead! Read More
Didn't land the job, contract or project?

Here's a GREAT questionnaire I developed to find out why! It allows you to obtain feedback, improve your business marketing and get your foot through the proverbial door! Give it a try Read More
On the heels of Yoni's post on marketing and advertising blunders, I found this UNBELIEVEABLE item. It's almost too CRAZY to believe!

Let's call it "How to Do Irrepairable P.R. Damage to Your Company With Assinine and Idiotic Marketing Decisions! Read More
I'm Heidi. A Biz Sugar Groupie and VOTER!

I'm back for the final part of my trilogy: an outsiders view on succeeding on Biz Sugar.

Today it's about comments. Respond to them and build good will. Get loyal readers and VOTES! Ignore them or don't bother to answer and don't be surprised if the opposite happens Read More

10 Reasons Your Marketing Messages Stink!

Avatar Posted by saraib820 under Marketing
From 5216 days ago
Made Hot by: HipChick on June 10, 2010 2:40 pm
Are there reasons why your prospective clients are not responding positively to your written copy messages? Actually there are 10 potential reasons!

In this wonderful article by Susan Gunelius, you can see why your written message may be turning your prospects off Read More

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