Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

“The shortest distance between two points is under construction.” – - Noelie Altito

OK, so I’m not really that cynical, but… Read More
The pressure to make price concessions will always be part of selling. The question is how to best mitigate it as a seller. Read More
There are some sales processes that are less than they should be. This is especially true when they ignore the great principles of effective selling. Read More
It came down to a competition, and you were, sadly, bested. Your dream client has told you that you were the runner up. What now? Read More

If There Is No Gap

If There Is No Gap - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4926 days ago
If your dream client is not dissatisfied, they are not going to be compelled to dive right into a huge change initiative. When no dissatisfaction is present, it is your job to create it. Read More
Last week I announced that I made the leap to return to full-time sales coaching/consulting. I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response and am incredibly appreciative of all the good wishes and support. So, THANK YOU! In the post I Read More
The new year brings new opportunities and possibilities. It also bring a new feature to The Pipeline, a weekly guest post by a leading sales or revenue related expert. To start things off we have a very special view on the state of sales in 2011 from Mr. Dave Stein, CEO and Founder, ES Research Read More
To avoid the Procrustean bed, you have to work on the variable that has the greatest impact on sales results and the greatest impact on productivity; that variable is the win rate. Read More
Maybe it’s my age, but I’m finally able to confront the fact that there are a few business lessons that are:

* Unquestionably true
* Have been taught to me by mentors, customers and various & sundry successful, experienced executives
* Have been beaten into me by the relentless for Read More
There is a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Closing that gap means change, and only you can close that gap. Read More

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