Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Tap the power of photos to market your local business online.

7 low-cost, yet effective ideas you can use to make your local business “Picture Perfect” online. Read More
Twitter’s role as a conduit for the Zeitgeist is unrivaled, and it has almost single-handedly ushered in the era of real-time search, and social CRM. But, it’s the online equivalent of HBO – important more because of who uses it and the media’s infatuation with it, rather than the actual size and impact of its audience. Read More
Writing a great press release quote doesn’t have to be painful, though. In fact, I think it’s one of the most important elements of the press release. It’s also a big reason why we spend time going over the important elements of a press release in the all-important PR Toolkit for small business. Read More
A great tip on handing out a PowerPoint presentation - how to get your point across even better. How to add relevant information without wasting valuable slide real estate. Read More
For sales success to mean anything, we have to be given the opportunity to fail. The more we have the opportunity to fail, the more lucrative winning at sales can be. Celebrate sales failure. Embrace it. Commit to failing, because you can only succeed in a sales career if you also have the ability to fail. Read More

Social Media Success Summit 2010

Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Social Media
From 5296 days ago
Made Hot by: SkipAnderson on March 22, 2010 10:23 pm
Find out how the Social Media Success Summit 2010 can help your social media marketing success and what social media tactics you can learn at this virtual event. Read More
Do you want to see how to increase your sales? Did you know that the typically response or buy rate from an email newsletter is 5%? Utilizing an email newsletter can have a dramatic impact on your overall sales – grow your email newsletter list and increase your sales. Read More
Social media will emerge as a viable way for firms to market themselves and build customer loyalty, it has been claimed.Speaking at the Technology For Marketing & Advertising 2010 conference, Direct Marketing Association commercial director Kevin Dendy predicted that social media and mobile advertising will become increasingly common over the coming year. Read More
How to add a little extra to your clients purchase, make them feel good about their purchase. How this will spread word of mouth and referrals for your business. Read More
Each Saturday, we’ll Hit the Links.

As your Marketing Caddy, I’ll share with you some of the best “Holes” I discovered during the past week stumbling around the “InterWebs” to help you Build Your Business Online.

Enjoy your Round! Read More

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