Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Coaching your Small Business to Success No matter how large or small a business you operate, hiring an executive coach is no longer a luxury ' it's a necessity in today's highly competitive business environment. No matter what your management and personality style, there's an executive or business coach for you. Read More
In these gloomy times businesses are looking outside the box for a localized injection of economic stimulus. Banks are hording their bags of government bailout money while the small business owner is forced to fend for themselves. Read More
For you to get where you want to go, there are four key steps for you to take. They are not difficult, but they are vital. Read More
With summer just around the corner, business can slow down as folks head to the cool country or go on vacation. However it doesn't have to be a slow time of year for your business. Here are 7 hot marketing ideas that will keep your business humming all summer long! Read More
Twitter has the potential to allow you to reach a larger targeted audience. Here are a couple of ways to follow and unfollow Twitterers. In addition, a way to target a Twitterers by geography or by category. Read More

Saturday Sales Tip – 13 - What's The Impact

Saturday Sales Tip – 13 - What's The Impact - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5207 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 29, 2010 9:45 pm
The feature - benefit is a good start, as is the "WIIFM" approach to satisfying clients' requirements. But if you really want to succeed in selling and retaining clients you should really help clients understand the impact you can have on their business and objectives. Read More
Imagine 25,000 events, attended by 1,000,000 people, all packed into 1 week each year–that’s Global Entrepreneurship Week! The amazing thing about GEW is that your company can participate, in your town, anywhere in the world! The list of featured events spans the globe. The list of global supporters includes big names from business and academia, all who share a common goal. Read More
Asking takes guts and courage.

Asking is crucial in making your marketing and sales work. (and the key in your website conversion)

Always be asking your prospects to take the next step… Read More

Provoking Fights And Revealing Your Dark Side?

Provoking Fights And Revealing Your Dark Side? - Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Online Marketing
From 5208 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on March 29, 2010 10:24 am
How do you balance your desire to stretch—knowing that when you do it’s not only good for you, but good for traffic and business—with not wanting to walk around with a knot in your stomach all day. Read More
Today it’s all about the subject line. You may have the most compelling, well-written small business press release. But if the subject line doesn’t capture their attention immediately and make them open the release, all that work is sitting on the curb. You can refer to the PR Toolkit for small business to find examples of other bad press releases. Read More

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