Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In advertising and marketing, the humble adjective is key! The power of description can transform the mundane into the compelling, the common into the exceptional, and in the case of one restaurant...the tasty into the mouthwatering and delectable! Tips and advice to describe your business to success and profitability... Read More
How long since you last review your Twitter background? Enhance your Twitter background for mass publicity for your brand/business. Introducing web applications, designing tools and tips for an effective personalized background. It's essential to be responsible to all our landing pages. Read More
What’s your biggest hidden asset in your business? Here's a 4 Step system to tap your biggest hidden asset in your local business. Read More
In the construction and mechanical industries workers compensation insurance (workers comp) can be a severe expense. Read More
The top thing that helps to get you listed on certain keyword searches on Google is content. This article will help you increase your chances of getting found for specific keywords. Read More
Some sprouts of growth for small business have started popping up. There's growth in the service and manufacturing sector. Companies are reducing their layoff plans and...maybe beginning to hire. Read More
Where to find and add a meta description on a website and why it is the top priority for advertising your site. Included are 3 points to follow so that you get maximum exposure in Google and other search engines. Read More
Since coming to the throne in 1999, King Abdullah of Jordan regularly dresses up as a commoner to inspect his kingdom "incognito!" It gives him a highly-accurate perspective of what is going on around him. What can we as businesspeople learn from this unique approach? Lessons, tips and advice abound... Read More
How to put titles on your web pages. An often overlooked way to promote your website in a highly effective manner. Read More
There are some very predictable events in sales that need to be dealt with well in advance rather than when they may occur. One is the impact of vacation season on sales decisions. If you know that your decision maker will be on holiday in June, and you sales cycle is 90 days, you need to plan and execute now to avoid delays or no decisions. Read More

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