Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you use Google News to find out what's happening in your industry? If you don't, you may be missing some great opportunities to find prospects and look for additional services your clients could use. Read More
Our recent business blogging "think-tank" was held, of all places, at a local bowling alley! Amidst the backdrop of rolling balls and flying pins, Guinness was on tap and the biz-blogging ideas were arising fast and furiously. All of the tips, advice and principles we discussed on the art of business blogging right here... Read More
Here's a list of 10 ways to lose employee engagement and a list of 10 ways to create it. It's our choice. Read More

9 Tips That Improved My Blog

9 Tips That Improved My Blog - Avatar Posted by globalcopywrite under Online Marketing
From 5188 days ago
Made Hot by: saraib820 on April 26, 2010 11:32 am
Keeping a blog going can seem like a full time job. Unfortunately for most business owners, we don't have the luxury of being a full-time blogger. This post discusses ways to improve the effectiveness of your blog. Read More
In fact, many people feel green may evolve into an accepted standard against which portfolio investments will be measured in coming years. That emerging standard being: “How green is it?” Read More
You always need to be prospecting for new clients. Here are 5 tips to help you continually cultivate your prospect base. Read More
Some people use certain words but never deliver on their meaning, while others demonstrate their intent through the way they act, not just mouthing the words. Read More
Paul Chaney had a rewarding job with a young and growing company, but in the end he needed to follow his heart. This move has led him to focus on his passion for small business and for speaking in an effort to inspire others and help small businesses grow. But it has also led him to leave the security of full-time employment to become a small business person himself. Sometimes the best way to mak Read More
Staying in contact with prospects and clients increases your chances of getting sales. How to put together a contact plan and different ways to have touch points with your prospects. Read More
Check out this interview and overview of services offered by Zappedy. Co-founder Na'ama Moran explains how Zappedy can help small retailers get their product online within minutes simply by using e-mail. Thanks to the folks over at for providing this great post and an interesting video interview with Moran who explains more about her innovative company. Read More

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