Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Making mistakes in sales is not always the best, but it is human and happens. When they do, you have a real opportunity to create the right impression with the buyer in the way you respond and handle things. Done right, it could all be in your favour at the end. Read More
Small businesses abroad may have to wait for the iPad until domestic U.S. demand is satisfied. Apple says it will delay worldwide distribution of the iPad by about a month due to the unexpected demand for the new personal media device which small businesses are hoping they can use to unleash the power of mobile communication and marketing. Read More
The Albany Insurance Professional has a Facebook Fan Page (Become a Fan Below! Its Fun!), why doesn't your organization? Here are some common excuses: Read More
What is the one piece of information that you need to add to your sales letter that will increase your response rate? A call to action. What is a call to action and what isn’t a call to action is included in this article. Read More
Here is an exhaustive list of what great salespeople do. Is anything missing from this list? Should anything be deleted from the list? Read More
How to find Twitter users on a geographic basis that you can follow. This will allow you to send Tweets based on a specific region or area. Read More
How many sales people begin their careers with reasonable product knowledge but little or no training in what this man calls effective cold calling technique? Read More
While change is good, sales people need to understand that buyers are more interested in improvement, not just change for change sake. Sellers need to help buyers see and get excited about the results of the new solution, not just the fact that it is new and a change from the last. Read More
Overwhelmed by status updates? Find out how you can take control of your Facebook news feed, properly manage your subscriptions for a better Facebook engagement. Read More
While there is a lot of things that sales people have to manage and juggle while executing a sales, making sure that their sales process is aligned with the buyer's buying process is key. Mismanaging this, leads to both longer sales cycles, lost sales and a lot of misspent energy and resources. Read More

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