Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you are in sales, front line, executive or in between, you have probably been involved in a discussion as to whether sales is an art, a science, or what specific mix of the two. Regardless of where you are on that issue, the one thing that remains constant is TIME. Time after all is the currency (as in tender) of sales. Read More
Few small business owners in the U.S. seem enthusiastic about the possible costs of a new healthcare law. But there may be some out there. The National Federation of Independent Business has assembled this predictably negative portrayal of healthcare costs. But how about it? Can we get a discussion started in the bizSugar community? Is Washington's belief that the law will actually make healthcar Read More
Will small business tax incentives lead to more job creation? Not according to this video from the National Federation of Independent Business. Business owners interviewed talk about what will really lead to increased hiring in small business, more sales coming in the door. What about you? Will tax incentives encourage you to grow your business or bring on more employees in a tough economy? If no Read More
The 3 A’s of customer service that will make your clients happy and let you keep them for a long time or even your lifetime. Included is a quick overview of the recent Southwest Airlines and Kevin Smith customer service incident. Read More
Multi-tasking is not all it's cracked up to be, nice phrase but in reality it is just an opportunity to not complete a whole bunch of things at once rather than getting them done well. Do one thing at a time, do it right and to the best of your ability, and you will find it takes less time than multi-tasking. Read More
Steal the Success Secret that Tom Brady, Robert De Niro, and Warren Buffet practice.

P.S.— Inside Play To Win you’ll find four fun, yet powerful business-changing exercises…

PLUS… Two Revolutionary Resources to help you discover your talents and leverage them as strengths in your business and your life. Read More
This is a great inspiring post for anyone but especially for those who are starting a business. Enjoy. Read More
Add a ROI widget to your website and let the proof in the pudding help sell your product of service. A client will be more persuaded if they can see that there is an ROI. Read More
We're blessed with two nice zoos here in the Twin Cities area. I love going to the zoos with my daughter when we walk and talk and observe and drink in all the wonders of wildlife.

And trips to the massive Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in far northern Minnesota (and Quetico park in Ontario, Canada just adjacent to it) always produce wonder. There is something about seeing a moose swimm Read More The home of Garage Technology Ventures and the wisdom of its Managing Director, the very much alive, Guy Kawasaki, who is the author of nine books... Mr. Kawasaki was at Apple Computer when they were doing amazing things, and since then he has supported many successful entrepreneurs, at first as a venture capitalist and advisor and now as a full fledged business guru... Read More

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