Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We talk a lot about taking the time to manage customer reviews and it makes sense to do so. Online reviews grow legs: The search engines are aggregating them, Read More
You're an Entrepreneur. You're a Finder. It’s non-negotiable. It's comes with the the territory. It’s part of your job description. How good are you at Finding? Read More
Brochures, flyers, catalogs: They're all part of the weak salesperson's selling arsenal. While these pieces can be helpful in marketing a business or a product, they are rarely much help to a salesperson in selling a product or service. Read More
Good customer service and what to do when you receive good customer service. How to change the world one compliment at a time. Read More
There are many SEO beginners out there struggling to understand how to use search engine marketing and search engine optimisation as to give a boost to their site in search engine rankings! Read More
Here’re five of the quickest, easiest (and Free) ways to get drive traffic to your local business website today. Read More
How bad customer service impacts your business and how it can impact your business. Plus a couple of real world examples. Read More
Apple’s iPhone wasn’t originally conceived as a business-focused device; however, the advent of the App Store and the rapid rise in usage and adoption has really given the platform — and the phone — some pretty great use cases for business users. Read More
As a small business owner, is your marketing helping your ideal clients overcome the skepticism of purchasing your services or products? I'll share a recent Read More
Attracting Ideal Clients has the power to transform your business. Here are 10 Steps to Attract Your Ideal Client. Read More

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