Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sales Opportunity Acid Test (SOAT) – How to rank and prioritize sales pursuits so that you are focusing your efforts where they should be and not spinning your wheels on pursuits that you shouldn’t be chasing. How to create a SOAT list. Read More
There is real power in leveraging the power of other sites to make sure your content is found. Document repositories can help you "get found" on page 1 of the search engines simply by uploading and tagging your documents. Read More
This is a presentation on 10 startup to-dos – things that people should think about when starting a company. Read More
A balance between search engine optimization (SEO) and website design is essential for website success. Understanding their interplay is important. Read More
Top 100 Fortune Companies puts together the most respected and renowned names, which also have access to the best resources due to the large budget they have in hands to manage. Read More
You can't force an employee to remain in their job longer than they want to stay employed with you, but there are things that you can do now to increase the likelihood that you'll retain your staff long enough to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with them Read More
My husband came home with this book last week. I am considering buying a business of great interest to me, but I have next to no experience with retail. He has his doubts about the whole “dummies” series, but thought maybe it would help me. Read More
If you rely on your local community for your revenue, there are some great local on-line marketing tools out there that you can use to your advantage. Here are a few local marketing tips to help you stand out in your community. Read More
I admit I’m still something of a newbie on Twitter, still finding my way on the question of how to use it most productively and usefully. Since many of our clients are newbies also, I thought it might be helpful to share what I’ve learned so far. Read More
Google Local is a great free online tool for small business owners. Business owners can use their Google Local listing to drive traffic to their business blog. Read More

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