Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sales people should consider either outsourcing their excuses for not doing what they should, or do a better job of executing their sales so they don’t need excuses. But not doing what they need to and having weak excuses to rationalize this just don’t cut it. Read More
The following is a list of guidelines and rules that can be used to help entrepreneurs collect, develop and use customer testimonials in their small business marketing. It's important to use testimonials the right way because it's definitely frowned upon to use a testimonial in a misleading way. Read More
We talk about the importance of seasonal holidays and timely angles in the PR Toolkit for Small Business, so each of the following topics are angles that are relevant to April in short term planning. Use these ideas to help generate possible stories for your company you can develop to pitch a reporter during the month of April. Read More
Canadians spend more time on the Internet than on the TV. What will come as a shock is the disproportionate advertising spend that goes to Newspapers compared to the Internet – This will show that the end of newspapers is near. Read More
Sales leaders are always looking to improve the activity of their teams. One challenge is to get heir team members to understand how much time they should allocate to specific activities. This article looks at prospecting, offers ideas and a calculator give individuals clear focus on how much they actually need to do. Read More
Kent Jackson, DDS is not only an excellent dentist–he is also an inspiring entrepreneur with a thriving practice. In this interview with, Dr. Jackson provides valuable insight on the importance of team building, time management and balancing work and family. Read More
Looking to increase your company's website traffic through SEO? Then leverage the fantastic Alexa ranking of to get the word out! And,since its a Wiki, you can continually update your AboutUs profile so that it keeps pace with your growing business! Read More
Your effort will make or break your sales career. So will your knowledge and skill and ability to add value to your prospects' lives. So will your ability to create trusting and genuine short-term and long-term relationships with prospects, customers, managers, and suppliers. But, perhaps more than any of the factors above, this prospect type will have more to do with your career success than
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How to use relevant keywords or phrases on your website or blog to drive qualified traffic your way. By using the appropriate keywords, you will be able to increase your search result rankings and become a thought leader for your industry. Plus a tool to see what sort of keywords you should be using. Read More

23 Great Direct Mail Tips For Entrepreneurs

23 Great Direct Mail Tips For Entrepreneurs  - Avatar Posted by jsternal under Direct Marketing
From 5211 days ago
Made Hot by: iannarino on March 24, 2010 4:59 pm
When done correctly, direct mail can be a highly effective resource for entrepreneurs and small businesses, even when working together with email marketing. Here are 23 ways your direct mail may be failing you. And although there is talk that the U.S. Postal Service is going to cut down the number of days it delivers mail, entrepreneurs will still capitalize from direct mail to grow their busines Read More

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