Dreamwithdeadline voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you have the time and the funds, nothing beats a visit to a country you are about to do business in to fully understand and appreciate how the people live day-to-day Read More
Google software engineer Matt Cutts collected questions on Google Moderator and answered many of them on video. One of this is -- Which is more important: content or links? Read More
A small business coping with recession expands its product line to increase revenue. The story comes referred by Dane Carlson's Business Opportunities Weblog. Read More
In 24 hours (give or take), much of the United States will be on a holiday weekend. It might be tempting to lay low and start the holiday early, like maybe right now. But Read More
Now by integrating a promotion with the viral features of social media you can spread the word about your promotion and your company far more widely and cost effectively than ever before. I believe it is this type of marketing that can create positive brand awareness that is a perfect fit with many types of social media, especially social networks Read More
That's right, 63% of adults may not be buying from you for one simple reason. In an economic downturn consumers are looking for one thing, and it impacts how and what they buy in a big way. Read More
The recession has impacted almost all of us. Some people will find that the impact is temporary, and when the economy improves, those people's lives will return to the way that things were before the recession hit. Unfortunately, that's not going to be the case for many people, who will discover that the impact of the recession has changed their l Read More

How to fund a business startup

How to fund a business startup - http://entrepreneur.venturebeat.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Raising Capital
From http://entrepreneur.venturebeat.com 5486 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 4, 2009 12:25 pm
A friend and business partner sent me these points on how to fund a business startup. The advice is from serial entrepreneur Naval Ravikant at Microsoft BizSpark. Read More
Earlier this week I gave a presentation on the intersection of SEO, online PR and social media to a great mix of people (mostly agencies) at a SEMPO Arizona event. The SEO/PR/Social topic is an interesting mix due to the convergence that's been happening over the past 2-3 years and of course, because it's the essence of what we've been doing at To Read More
Your home page may be beautiful but it's likely that as many as 1/2 of your site visitors never see it! To improve your sales online, optimize "beyond the homepage" to help customers more quickly find what they want. This short article offers 4 easy tips for improving your site's sales conversion by optimizing non-home page landing strateg Read More

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