Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Creating value can go beyond the usual in an unusual economy. Having your clients become reliant on you for more than just product or service can drive value for both clients and your company. Read More
Influence isn’t tactical. Influence is the sum of all of the foundational attributes that make you someone worth listening to in the first place. The best salespeople possess the ability to influence and persuade others, because they are people who create trust. That trust builds relationships and it helps build results. These are the keys to influence. Read More
News about Martin Lindstrom on the Today Show, The Sales 2.0 Pro Bowl Team, The Conference Board's Senior Sales Executive Conference in Chicago, the Top 10 Sales Blogs... Read More
Dean Koontz is one of the greatest fiction writers of our generation. But what can his stories of murder and mayhem teach you about sales? Read on to learn... Read More

Using Twitter as a Powerful PR Toolkit | Better Closer

Avatar Posted by billrice under Public Relations
From 5349 days ago
Made Hot by: thursdayb on February 5, 2010 7:16 am
Twitter is a public relations professional’s dream or nightmare. It's one of the simplest, but at the same time the most complicated of recent communication tools. This dichotomy has fueled must of the fear in the PR community. That is why I thought I would give you a few simple tips to make Twitter a PR tool, not an adversary. Read More
How do you follow-up with your prospects after your first conversation or after your first appointment? Sometimes we get so tired of chasing people down that we lose focus and take the lazy approach of “calling to touch base,” or “calling to check-in,” both of which bring little value.

Here are 8 follow-up strategies you can use to bring constant value and keep your prospect moving forward th Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to speak well and to convey their ideas and their solutions. This ability in great salespeople is never exercised until they have exercised the even greater communication skill of listening first. Great salespeople listen to understand, and they know that it conveys the even more important communication that they care. Read More
While words count for a lot, in sales as with most things, professionals should be judge by their actions, interactions with buyers, and the results of these. If sales people were not competitive by nature, their companies would not thrive. Read More

Seth Godin & Indispensable Edginess

Avatar Posted by daniel.waldschmidt under Sales
From 5350 days ago
Made Hot by: mike_kunkle on February 4, 2010 5:54 am
Is what you doing right now something the world can't live without?  Are you the difference between success and failure?  Are you indispensable? Read More
Sales is about creating positive outcomes for others. In order to create these positive outcomes for others, the salesperson has to have both the desire and the ability to do so. Caring is the desire to create these outcomes, and the force underlying the actions they take to ensure that the outcomes are achieved for their clients. Read More

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