Martinzwilling voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Most entrepreneurs believe they are “different,” but they can’t quite understand how. They usually explain it by insisting that they are driven to follow their passion, need to be their own boss, want to get rich quick, or want to change the world. I now believe that the roots of the difference may Read More
Every culture and community puts pressure on its members to follow the norms. Even young people who start out wanting to be different are called “freaks,” and most are slowly bent back into the norm by the time they “grow up.” Maybe that’s why so many entrepreneurs struggle with building a disrupti Read More

6 Guidelines On How And When To Use Non-Disclosures

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2458 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on January 4, 2018 10:24 am
As an advisor to entrepreneurs, I often have to deal with people who are convinced that they must get me to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before they begin talks about their new venture. They seem shocked to learn that most professional investors and advisors, myself included, routinely dec Read More

10 Questions To Ask Before Selecting A Search Firm

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2460 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on December 31, 2017 1:58 am
I started out in business as a techy geek, so I understand why technologists starting a new venture spend so much effort getting the product just right. Yet I’ve learned over time that building the business is all about having the right team members. Thus I’m frustrated when I see founders pushing Read More

7 Techniques For Avoiding Entrepreneurial Blind Spots

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2462 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on December 27, 2017 6:53 pm
Every entrepreneur has blind spots which limit their effectiveness and success, but due to ego, over-confidence, or deferential subordinates, many live totally in the dark. Some are smart and humble enough to assume that they don’t know what they don’t know, but lack an effective process for shinin Read More

7 Ways To Test Your Potential For Starting A Business

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2463 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 29, 2017 12:44 pm
As a mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs, the most common question I get is, “I want to be an entrepreneur -- how do I start?” The obvious answer is that you need an idea first, but I’ve come to realize that the process is really much more complex than that. Many people with great ideas never make it Read More

5 Steps To Effective Marketing With Converged Media

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2464 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 26, 2017 8:00 am
Entrepreneurs and startups often ask if they should select only social media for marketing, or stick with digital media, or just count on traditional media. The answer is yes to all, and the challenge is how to choose how much of each, and how to integrate them for maximum impact and the least cost Read More
In my activities as an angel investor, and my work with new ventures seeking investment, I find the “due diligence” stage to be fraught with the most risk. Usually this stage only really starts after an investor has expressed serious interest, or already informally agreed to invest. Most founders c Read More
Many entrepreneurs still don’t understand that building a business culture today of doing good, like helping people (society) and planet (sustainability), is also a key to maximizing profit. Employees and customers alike are looking for meaning, not simply employment and commodity prices. Every com Read More
Traditionally, the majority of entrepreneurs have been logical thinkers, problem solvers, with full attention to details. These are the stereotypical left-brain engineers. Yet I see a big shift from the knowledge age, with its left-brain foundation, to a critical focus today on visualization, creat Read More

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