Rupalik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The early days of a blog are the toughest, by far. But they don't have to be. When a blog is still young, just as in childhood, it can be freer, carefree, and fun. Everything is a learning experience. Best yet, a young blog has endless potential. Read More
To get your approval for inclusion in the test plan, graphic designers must show you that their proposed visual solution is the only acceptable one that accomplishes the business objectives and supports the desired outcome. This is a high hurdle to surmount. Read More
James Nardell and his team at Shopster have been writing a series on myths bloggers have about affiliate marketing. This is the second in that series to help us all avoid some potholes on the information highway. (Does anyone still call it that?) Read More
Have you ever set aside time to sit down and update your business blog, only to find out you have no idea what to write about? It's easy to talk with customers and answer questions about your areas of expertise; you feel comfortable and competent “talking shop” with colleagues, but writing a blog brings on an intense case of writer's block. Soun Read More
When marketing is out there creating interactions, they need to consider the value of each one. It's easy to respond and move on, but to embrace participation, you need to consider all the ways what you learn and experience can be used to enhance your emarketing strategy, the relationships and credibility you establish, and the progress your pros Read More
Well, I'm here to help. As a 'high-functioning geek', I can bridge the gap between the Normal and the SERP-obsessed. Here are my picks for great gifts, in no particular order: Read More
Over at the ClickZ blog, they alerted us here at G5 to a new forecast from eMarketer in regards to where the online advertising market is expected to head in the upcoming year. And, while the numbers are dropping a touch, they made a great point: Read More
Until very recently, successful businesses treated their customers the way farmers treat their crops: They were impersonal, transactional relationships. They made sure there was enough water, they kept the weeds out, and when Thanksgiving came around, there were lots of yams to harvest. Successful companies no longer get away with this kind of be Read More
A great DemandGenReport article by Kenneth Krogue, President of titled Picking 5 Of The Top 5 Time Wasters of Inside Sales & Lead Generation simply echoes our belief that spending more on building better lists translates to spending less time looking for people and more productivity. Among the '5 Time Wasters' that Ken brings acros Read More

Borrowers wanted: Banks have cash but few clients

Borrowers wanted: Banks have cash but few clients - Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Raising Capital
From 5702 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 1, 2008 5:44 pm
Billions of federal bailout dollars are flooding the financial system, credit markets are loosening and many banks say they are ready to lend. But a crucial piece needed to solve the credit crisis is still missing: borrowers. With the economy slowing, banks are seeing a big decline in the number of people seeking loans because nervous consumers Read More

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