Rupalik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When approaching pre-foreclosures for the first time use these ideas to prove to them that you are truly their to help can save their home: Read More
Whether we like it or not, the current recession will separate the weak from the strong. For many businesses, I believe the deciding factor will be how well they recognize: The linchpin of an effective recessionary strategy is aggressive customer focus! Here are concrete suggestions on how you can recession-proof your business through better cust Read More

Jason Fried (37signals)'s 'Out-teach the Competition to Beat Them' Strategy

Jason Fried (37signals)'s 'Out-teach the Competition to Beat Them' Strategy - Avatar Posted by ashlyrevi under Online Marketing
From 5702 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 1, 2008 6:49 pm
Out teach the competition to beat them. Jason fried of 37signals talks about how they sell more by out teaching the competition. He allays fears that if you put your 'secrets' out, your competition will copy them. Somehow, that's counter intuitive but true. Read More
While technology can eliminate many inefficiencies and time-wasters from sales and marketing organizations, some problem areas tend to be outside the reach of technological solutions. More time is wasted as a result of poor strategy, bad hiring, unqualified leadership, and a lack of performance management than from flawed sales tactics. Companies Read More
We've only surfed the web until today by navigating through web pages from one site to the other. Ever wondered what is it like to walk through the web? Just stroll through the Internet? With YooWalk you can enable your virtual self to walk in the Internet. YooWalk is a 3D view of the web where you as a user can walk your avatar through various Read More
Viral marketing strategies encourage satisfied customers to promote products and services to others through word-of-mouth. Like the dreaded flu virus, viral marketing has immense possibility for expansion and exponential multiplication as information is passed from individual to individual on the worldwide web. Read More
If there's one characteristic that I believe leads to success, it's resourcefulness. Finding a way to get things done is the skill that makes for an effective person—in business and otherwise—and finding that way without throwing money at the problem is often the most effective answer. Read More
People there are going on about how they “only write for themselves,” and if the reader doesn't get it “it's their problem.” Was I in a creative writing forum? Or maybe over at Robert Bruce's place? Nope. It was a “professional” blogging site. Read More
IP telephony has definitely gone mainstream. The value propositions for IP telephony include: • Reduction in cost of moves, adds and changes (plug-n-play). • Reduction in toll costs (everything on IP). • Opportunities for centralization of call control (data center telephony). • Virtualization of contact center (agent location independence). • Bus Read More
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of writing guides out there. But in my opinion, none surpass the simple, direct advice of The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B.White. Read More

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