Rupalik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This is a collection of random thoughts about writing, prompted by someone telling me today that "all you know how to do is write". They were attempting to reduce my price for an SEO project. You inspired me! Cheers! Read More
Dragging or pushing yourself to the computer? Too many posts starting with an apology for not having been around of late? The joy you first brought to blogging now a distant memory? Looks like a case of blogger's block. Don't worry— there is a cure. Read More
Having checked out Mike Damphousse's blog post Ethics & Wonder/Amazon's Mechanical Turk/Kiva on his experience getting a data related task done through the new online marketplace, I had a chance to check it out myself and ponder what this means for us as a B2B Marketing Database Management company. Amazon's Mechanical Turk has been making buzz wav Read More

Business Etiquette Tips for the Company Holiday Party

Business Etiquette Tips for the Company Holiday Party - Avatar Posted by Etiquette under Human Resources
From 5697 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 2, 2008 6:59 pm
Tis the season for socializing at the annual office holiday party. As you attend the affair keep in mind that the company sponsored office party is still a business event. It is an extension of the workplace and provides social interaction at the business level. Below are some tips for using the company sponsored party to your career advantage. En Read More
Dig a little deeper when you are faced with a tough situation. Deal with it on another level than you normally would. Read More
The research of, a non-profit based in New York, has consistently shown that the top 25% of companies with the largest share of women Directors on a public-company Board beat the bottom quartile companies with a return on equity 53% higher. Read More

Value Emphasis a Key to Marketing Heading into 2009

Value Emphasis a Key to Marketing Heading into 2009 - Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Marketing
From 5697 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 2, 2008 6:08 pm
Fitch Ratings is calling for the weakest holiday season in the past twenty years for retailers. For 2009, Fitch expects that these trends will continue as consumers curtail discretionary spending and look to maximize value. Emphasizing value is the key that I would take away from any of this. It's time to make customers understand what valu Read More

Study: The changing faces of green consumers

Study:  The changing faces of green consumers - Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under News
From 5697 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 2, 2008 6:08 pm
The Yahoo! Green study found that more than three-quarters (77%) of consumers consider themselves to be greenies and just over half (57%) have made green purchases in the past six months. But, that is not to say that all green consumers react the same way to ads which may create a quagmire for marketers. Here are a few tips. Read More
Personal branding guru Dan Schawbel recently interviewed me for his Personal Branding Blog. Dan is the author of the book, Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success (April 2009) and is a Social Media Specialist at EMC Corporation. Read More
Every additional of every day millions of websites and web online writing beyond the apple are accepting consistently added to and up-dated; bags of new sites arise on the net and they're all allusive to arise in prime position, mostly to advertise their articles aural the 'global village.' So how can you advance your affairs of accepting your Read More

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