Rupalik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

On page 6 they say "Improve the structure of your URLs". The authors point at URLs that have lots of dross like '' and say that's not user friendly. They're right. What they don't say is that this URL is clearly dynamically generated. No sane human being would create a page address like that. Read More
With all of the craziness in my life lately, I've been putting in some mad hours on my business. In all the chaos, I haven't taken the time to mention two newer sites that you should be keeping your eyes on. The first is The Affiliate Academy and is Vic's membership site. If any of you out there aren't familiar with Vic, you need to become so in a Read More

50 Blog Tools to Help you Blogging

50 Blog Tools to Help you Blogging - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 18, 2008 1:47 am
Blogging is more than just posting your views, thought, opinion, and share. There are many specialized tools available on the Internet that can enhance your website to a outstanding extent and the only way to know what is going to work to your profits is to giving them try out! Here is a list of 50 useful blogging tools that will help you in picki Read More
A recent marketing study by ServiceXRG found that most online shoppers (74.5 percent) use a company Web site to find needed information about products and services. However, less than half (44 percent) said the information provided met their needs and expectations. Read More
Here are the five solid, complete, and intuitive main ideas Kram and Higgins put forward and suggestions after each for building your own Personal Developmental Network. Read More
Businesses, individuals, and organizations will, from time to time, make honest mistakes or in some unfortunate cases, intentionally support unethical decisions to dissuade or conceal something significant from its public. Crisis communications is a branch of PR that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization, usu Read More

Are RSS Subscribers Worthwhile if they Don't Visit Your Blog?

Are RSS Subscribers Worthwhile if they Don't Visit Your Blog? - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Marketing
From 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 18, 2008 1:46 am
Why do bloggers put so much focus upon growing RSS subscriber numbers to their blog if most of them only ever read your content in Feed Readers and don't visit your blog? Read More

Why Marketers Should Pay Attention to Google Flu Trends

Why Marketers Should Pay Attention to Google Flu Trends - Avatar Posted by himangim under Online Marketing
From 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 17, 2008 6:10 pm
While you might not be able to create content that has the scale or complexity of Google's, it's easy to create marketing content that's equally as magnetic. Just be creative. More specifically, there are three things you should do: Read More

Use Online Public Relations for Link Marketing

Use Online Public Relations for Link Marketing - Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:38 am
How can your company start to increase its familiarity and trust online? As sales slow and employees have more idle time, utilize that time for online public relations. At the very least, it can help sustain sales over the coming months. Once the economy turns around, you'll have a competitive advantage with better links, better brand image, and Read More
It's easiest to keep doing what you've been doing. It's no effort at all to keep looking at the same metrics, make the same moves, do the same thing with a new name, even. Your customers are good enough. Why prospect for more? The way you tell your product's story is excellent. It's worked for several years. Why change it? Read More

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