Rupalik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Decreasing marketing budgets and increased consumer skepticism towards traditional advertising is driving many companies to new ways of attracting and engaging customers. At the same time, new communication channels such as social media represent the most significant change in marketer/advertiser communications with customers in the history of ma Read More
Make sure the strategy that your web design and internet marketing firm presents to you covers the following 4 pieces of a successful internet marketing strategy: Read More
In today's unpredictable marketing climate, many business owners are riding the waves of our recent economic tides by focusing their attention on the customer. Thoughtful customer feedback is one of the most valuable sources of information to consider for informed marketing decisions. However, eliciting informative customer feedback is sometimes Read More
So, if "everybody's doing it"—shifting resources from branding to direct marketing—why should your company buck the tide? Here are four reasons. Read More

Success is in your Hands

Success is in your Hands - Avatar Posted by Talkofthatown919 under Self-Development
From 5705 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 23, 2008 4:51 pm
Success is in your hands. It all depends on yourself no one else. Read More
Successful social media marketing is entirely different from intentional or active marketing. Your customers know the difference. Do you? Read More

Do you understand how sales intimacy really works?

Do you understand how sales intimacy really works? - Avatar Posted by d2kd3k under Sales
From 5706 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 21, 2008 7:32 pm
One of the rules of etiquette is that intimacy has a pace and a sequence. Some things are done only after other things, and usually with a certain elapsed time. Successful salespeople know that that exactly the same rules apply in sales. Read More

How to Avoid Marketing Failures

How to Avoid Marketing Failures - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Marketing
From 5706 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 21, 2008 7:33 pm
While we are all eager to launch a new campaign and wait for the conversions to come rolling in, it's not a bad idea to make sure you aren't making some of the most common mistakes people make. Make sure to make a mental note of this and avoid them at all costs. Read More
More Marketing and sales during recession for success during upturn? Do you need to increase sales and marketing efforts a recession or should you wait until the storm is over. Read More
Every marketing tactic gets more scrutiny when budgets face the sting of a struggling economy. Here is a glance at how marketers expect to tailor their investments in digital tactics during a downturn. Read More

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