Rupalik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Before you can build your own matrix, you need to know two things: what you're good at and what's important to your customers. The best way to find both sets of answers is to ask your best current customers. Use an online survey, or just watch blog and forum comments coming from the people who are your biggest fans today. Read More
It's been a while since the last domain names blog post, but here goes another episode of “Domain Names for Blogger”, with some great finds today! Read More

5 Small Business Website Tips

5 Small Business Website Tips - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Online Marketing
From 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 14, 2008 5:37 am
Spending a lot of time on the internet you see quite a few small business websites. Some are quite good, others come close but miss the mark. These 5 tips for small business websites will not be hard for your business to impliment (if you haven't already) and will help insure your customers have a positive interaction with the virtual you! Read More

The Worst Business Advice of 2008

The Worst Business Advice of 2008 - Avatar Posted by d2kd3k under Sales
From 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:41 am
Trusted relationships make your business run smoother and more profitably--but there's still a lot of business advice out there that boils down to systematically destroying your customers' trust. Which advice do you want to follow? Read More
Everyone wants to know how to make money online. Network marketers are no exception to this rule. In fact I believe the future of the network marketing industry is firmly rooted in attraction marketing on the internet. Read More

Top 4 Ways to Propel Your Website Rankings

Top 4 Ways to Propel Your Website Rankings - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 18, 2008 1:46 am
The top 4 ways to propel your website rankings, traffic, lead generation and sales are as follows. 1. Properly optimize your Google Adwords account. This involves installation of Adwords Conversion Tracking, building proper Adwords Keyword Lists, have a proper keyword tool to do your keyword research, conducting ad copy A/B variate split testing Read More
As a business owner you know the kinds of clients you want. Why not go one step further and make a list of actual companies you would like to have as clients. Then, get clear about who it is you want to contact within each company. What position does the person hold? Is it the owner? Is it someone in HR? Is it the sales manager? Read More

The 3 Fastest Ways to Make Money Online

The 3 Fastest Ways to Make Money Online - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:43 am
It takes time and planning to build and grow your own money-making business on the Internet. But if you want to make money online in a hurry, there are ways you can start padding your wallet quickly — and you don't even need a product of your own to sell. Read More
Offering free stuff on your blog has its advantages, if done right. Here are the four most important rules for a successful usage of this technique. Read More

Battle of the Sexes - Social Media Style!

Battle of the Sexes - Social Media Style! - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Marketing
From 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 13, 2008 4:16 pm
We've been talking a lot lately about the role social media is playing in business, and how companies are beginning to leverage a social media presence in order to grow. I thought it would be interesting to see who is killing it more on the social media landscape, men or women? Read More

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