Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A little more than a year ago one of the companies for which I serve as the CFO was experiencing very good sales growth. In fact, about seven months into the year it looked like the company might hit its sales projections for the year by the end of the eleventh month, one month quicker than we forec Read More
I am right and you are wrong. You are an idiot. Hearing this always makes me think of children disagreeing with each other. This is also played out in client and service provider relationships. If you look on Twitter for example you often hear someone complaining about a client. Read More
How to choose the face of your business is one of the trickiest questions in advertising because the answer depends a lot on gut feel and history of the business. Essentially, there are two kinds of “Face of the Business”. The more traditional is one is by getting a “talent” or model. You come out Read More
Hopefully, if you read here regularily, you know that I’ve written about a wineclub startup called from California before and if you read here you may remember same, eh! We first blogged about them almost a full year ago here….and the gist of that post was that like many SMBs n Read More

Spring is in the air…find your inner George Steinbrenner!

Avatar Posted by sydcon_mktg under Marketing
From 4946 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on March 9, 2011 2:59 am
It’s March, spring is in the air! After the dreadful winter here in the Chicago area that just won’t die, I think we are all thinking spring!
With spring approaching, along with it comes a great opportunity for all of us to reach out to our communities and the kids in the community! Read More
Do the user bases of the two most powerful social networks closely resemble each other? What do they use them for? Infographic that breaks down the age, locations and habits of Facebook and Twitter users. Read More
Many people believe that living green is about with changing one’s entire lifestyle. Many also believe that these changes are associated with high costs. However, this is not the case. There are a many ways people can live a greener lifestyle, and many of these ways are absolutely free! Let’s ta... Read More
focusing on the 6 strategies, you should be on your way to success. Once you write your daily article, then you can go check emails, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Remember an article can drive traffic to your site forever. Concentrate on one thing to make... Read More
It seems like with all this waiting, there should be some opportunities here, too. It’s likely your competition is not even thinking about this stuff, because they are waiting for other stuff. Use wait time as a chance to impress your customers.

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We've forgotten how to incorporate trust in our business transactions. Here's why we need to bring it back. Read More

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