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A quick montage introduction, to Renbor Sales Solutions, Tibor SHanto, and feedback from workshop participants. Enjoy and spread the word. Read More
Just as you can't motivate a seed to grow (you can only provide an appropriate environment that will allow it to grow), managers can't motivate employees. Read More
1. Power - It isn't about who has the most authority. It is about who has the most influence. Develop unity among the most persuasive members of your team. 2. Character - Integrity is the strongest foundation when building long-term success. 3. Hope - People quit when they don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. The leader must... Read More
After my last blog 5 Ways to Gauge Your Sales Managers' Coaching, I heard from several clients. One VP of Sales loved the article and asked for copies for his Directors of Sales. Two heads of sales from different companies liked the post but did not want to send it out to their frontline sales managers because of my comment (see below) that coachi Read More
I recently had lunch with a highly successful VP of Sales. He explained that he was frustrated with the members of his sales management team, who he felt were focused only on results. He worried that they were not spending any time developing their salespeople Read More
After my last blog 5 Ways to Gauge Your Sales Managers' Coaching, I heard from several clients. One VP of Sales loved the article and asked for copies for his Directors of Sales. Two heads of sales from different companies liked the post but did not want to send it out to their frontline sales managers because of my comment (see below) that coachi Read More
Selling landscape design services and products can be challenging because prospects can easily let their long-term dreams interfere with their willingness to buy a smaller project today. Read More
The ability balance the emotions and rational that go into making sales leadership decisions are what differentiate leaders from followers. Read More
I take my good friend and rising star sales guru Doyle Slayton to task for a recent blog post that states Read More
How many meetings with clients have you been to that were aimless, unstructured and poorly planned? If you're like most professionals, probably quite a few. The problem's particularly acute when it comes to business development meetings: your first few meetings with a potential client when you and they are trying to figure out whether you sh Read More

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