Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

During the last month 87% the quarter of a million keywords used to find RevaHealth.com were unique. The good thing about this is that it means our long tail SEO is working well. The bad news is that it makes it harder to get an overall picture Read More
One of the biggest sources of confusion small business owners face when deciding on a marketing strategy is navigating through all the outreach opportunities available and choosing the one that is right for them and their particular business. Especially now with the onslaught of social media and the bonanza of opportunities which it brings Read More
The net has spawned two new ways to create and consume culture. The first is the wide-open door for amateurs to create. This is blogging and online art, wikipedia and the maker movement. These guys get a lot of press,... Read More

Your Sales Process Needs an Expiration Date

Your Sales Process Needs an Expiration Date - http://thesalesblog.com Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5216 days ago
Made Hot by: waltgoshert on March 22, 2010 12:40 pm
Even if you change nothing about the sales process (which I very much doubt), it is necessary from time to time to review your sales process, to take an inventory of what is working and what isn’t, and make adjustments and improvements. Give your sales process an expiration date. Read More
How to add a little extra to your clients purchase, make them feel good about their purchase. How this will spread word of mouth and referrals for your business. Read More
With spring in the air, it is time to open the windows and let some fresh air in, and clean out winter's rut. Same goes for your pipeline, get rid of the trash the clutter, and bring in some opportunities that will grow nicely over the next couple of months. Read More
Check out four cool ways in which you can get a lot more out of your YouTube videos. We'll show you: Annotations, Captions, AudioSwap and Insights Read More
Google Apps is a fantastic service for small businesses as it provides a hassle-free solution for majority of small business requirements such as email, scheduling, document storage, publishing, collaboration etc. Read More
Each Saturday, we’ll Hit the Links.

As your Marketing Caddy, I’ll share with you some of the best “Holes” I discovered during the past week stumbling around the “InterWebs” to help you Build Your Business Online.

Enjoy your Round! Read More

Entrepreneurs Oppose Healthcare Bill

Entrepreneurs Oppose Healthcare Bill - http://www.sbecouncil.org Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From http://www.sbecouncil.org 5217 days ago
Made Hot by: alinisrael on March 23, 2010 12:14 pm
The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council opposes a proposed health care bill that could be voted on in the U.S. House as early as Sunday. The group says the bill will not help small businesses with the high cost of health insurance but will add regulations making it difficult for them to create jobs not to mention survive and grow. The council expresses its concerns in this open letter to Read More

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