Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you think working nine to five is ok to survive in this recession. Maybe more hours have to be put in to achieve your goals Read More
Social media is the new black in marketing. But how can we really make our social media activities make a difference and have an impact on our business? Read about how you can increase the effectiveness of your social media actions and build a better following. Read More
The university world calls it ‘publish or perish’ and while I wouldn’t go that far, a blog can be a great way to promote your business, boy band or just yourself... and how? Read More

5 Factors to a Well Customized Facebook Fan Page | Marketing

5 Factors to a Well Customized Facebook Fan Page | Marketing - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From http://bloggertone.com 5222 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on March 21, 2010 11:13 am
As more people are venturing into the world of social media, Facebook has remodeled itself into fulfilling both personal and professional needs of its ever growing user base. We all know how Facebook Fan Page works strategically as a publicity tool. Read More
Want to know the secret to Attract Ideal Clients to your Local Business? It starts with Listening. Listen to understand, truly understand. You see, when you listen, dig deep, uncover and understand the problems that your Ideal Clients are tossing and turning over in their heads... You'll own your own personal Gold Mine! Read More
We cannot progress, or even just play safe, by keeping behind the yellow line. We can only cross it through trust in ourselves, a clear vision and strong will. Read More
Just because a particular marketing method or channel is all the buzz right now, doesn’t mean it is right for your business. That goes for viral marketing, Twittering, blogging, vlogging and all the rest. Make sure that when you decide to spend you or your companies time and/or money on any of these activities that you understand what you have to invest to do it right. Read More
You know that your product/service has reached ultimate 'Brand' eutopia when you achieve "Kleenex-Level Distinction". Kleenex's brand is so strong that a good percentage of American's will ask for a 'Kleenex' vs. a 'Tissue' when they need to blow their nose Read More
Being successful isn't so much about doing one thing right. It's about doing more things right than you do wrong. Read More
Combining ambitious goals with a just-do-it culture of employee empowerment is the key to fueling innovation, a group of Google employees said at their session at South by Southwest. Also important: shielding workers from distractions. Read More

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