Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Ways Small is Beating Big for Flagship Clients | Sales

5 Ways Small is Beating Big for Flagship Clients | Sales - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From http://bloggertone.com 5225 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on March 16, 2010 3:38 pm
How is this possible? How are Chris Brogan and Jason Falls beating Oglivy Interactive, BBDO, Campbell-Ewald and the like for big-time interactive marketing and social media clients. How is Jeremiah Owyang and Altimeter Group beating Forrester and Gartner? Read More
You have with a website a powerful communication tool. Most Local Business Pros sense this, yet struggle with tapping into this power. Mostly, it’s because graphic designers and website builders- those folks you no doubt hired to build your site- don’t have a clue about marketing and the sales process. Read More
I don’t know who’s ultimately at fault here, so I’m giving both Microsoft and Google red cards for childish behavior and losing site of the needs of their customers. Luckily, I have a customer generated fix. Read More
If you want to become a truly great salesperson, focus on the differentiations that make you and your product unique. Remember that YOU are Nature's greatest miracle! Read More
The goal of any business is for the customer to walk away happy with the transaction. Whether it be product, service, etc., the customer should ALWAYS walk away happy with a feeling of satisfaction that they made the right choice. Tom's Shoes has taken that one step further. Not only do their customers walk away feeling good about a purchase of well made, fairly affordable shoes, they also now wa Read More
Online content, through a blog, is a great way to reach more people, build relationships, and drive sales. Always remember to make your last post, your best. Read More

4 Tips for Practicing Proper Videoconferencing Etiquette

4 Tips for Practicing Proper Videoconferencing Etiquette - http://smallbizbee.com Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Technology
From http://smallbizbee.com 5226 days ago
Made Hot by: HipChick on March 15, 2010 5:15 pm
We've been talking a bit lately about working remotely, and collaborating over the Internet, and videoconferencing can be a big part of that. Today's guest post from Jeff Creech gives us 4 videoconferencing tips to have you looking and sounding your best during your next virtual meeting. Read More
101 Marketing Strategies. Examples of unique uses of social, interactive and experimental marketing. Strategies using the principles of smarter, faster, cheaper. Read More
Travis Campbell did some of the heavy lifting to help us understand Google Buzz and how its impact has been felt throughout the net. Here are best practices for using Buzz as a marketing tool for your business. Read More
Google Webmaster Tools is a free web service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimise visibility of their websites. Also, it is a great tool for reporting statistics and diagnosing your website’s performance in Google. Read More

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