Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

All businesses are now a days struggling to get their websites on the first page of search engines. Therefore, they are trying to learn how to make best use of search engine optimisation techniques. As a search engine optimisation consultant, SysComm has put together 10 best techniques to include in your search engine marketing strategy to improve your site’s optimisation. Read More
I’m sure most of us know how powerful social media is as marketing tools to promote our businesses and connect with our audiences. However, knowing is only a part of the equation, what about results; successful ones? Two Rice University researchers found that Facebook fans of a social store chain 36% more visits as compared to their other customers. Read More
Big companies can become arrogant. Most find false security in the “size” of the company. They can’t escape the old thinking that suggest “size matters”. The same thinking can bring them into ruins.

Don’t become a dinosaur. Act small and keep the “entrepreneurial spirit” burning.
Read More

Stop Being the Idea Guy and Just Do It!

Stop Being the Idea Guy and Just Do It! - http://bettercloser.com Avatar Posted by billrice under Self-Development
From http://bettercloser.com 5235 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on March 7, 2010 9:17 pm
I can’t think of too many people I would less like to be around than the “idea guy” or the “I thought of that guy.” And two of my favorite blogs have called them out.

I have nothing to add. I’ll just point you to them... Read More
Marketing is about leverage. How do you turn two... clients, dollars, sales... into three? Are you focused on your Right Market? Read More

You Still Calling 'Em Customers?

You Still Calling 'Em Customers?  - http://waltgoshert.com Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Marketing
From http://waltgoshert.com 5236 days ago
Made Hot by: DebMark on March 6, 2010 6:59 am
There's a huge difference between ringing up customers vs, caring for clients in your local business. Read More

Black Ops Social Media Marketing

Black Ops Social Media Marketing - http://bettercloser.com Avatar Posted by billrice under Social Media
From http://bettercloser.com 5237 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 5, 2010 7:07 am
I just finished up the latest book in the Jason Bourne series, Bourne Deception. I love the action and intrigue of a good spy thriller. It pulls me back to my early days in the intelligence community…

Okay, maybe not quite the same–I never had to kill quite so many people to accomplish my objectives. However, it did get my creative thoughts going ... Read More
This article adresses the concerns of small business bloggers who worry about their small subscriber lists Read More
Google Image Search is the version of Google dedicated to images and it is a very effective technique for your search engine marketing strategy and implicitly for your search engine optimisation strategy. Read More

Social Media Marketing - Waste of Time. | Marketing

Social Media Marketing - Waste of Time. | Marketing - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From http://bloggertone.com 5237 days ago
Made Hot by: thursdayb on March 5, 2010 10:27 pm
Social media is still being looked at as a waste of time by many businesses. Unwilling to take the time to understand how to approach it or to realise it's benefits, it is dismissed as a fad. To their misfortune. Read More

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